
appreciative adj.1.能評價的,有鑒別力的,有眼力的;有欣賞力的。...


It reminds me of how humble , appreciative and open minded i should be about life and its offerings 您的教導使我認識到,在生命和她所賜予的一切面前,我是如此的渺小而更應感恩和接受新思想。

Each performance imparted a sense of beauty and conveyed a message of profundity that won bursts of applause from an appreciative audience 每個節目都充滿意義及美感,贏得大家陣陣掌聲。

Thanks for your kind words . it ' s always rewarding when an appreciative reader sees the game the same way that i do 謝謝你的美言。碰到一個欣賞我的讀者并和他分享觀點是對我的莫大回報。

Show me your love and patient , and i will requite appreciative smiles , which adhere to my endless love for you 給我你的愛和耐心,我會抱以感激的微笑,這微笑中凝結著我對你無限的愛。

To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now 感恩是指你感激珍惜自己當前所擁有的一切及所處的人生境遇。

We have been very appreciative of the excellent cooperation , and in many cases real friendships , that have developed 我們非常欣賞我們之間的友好合作以及因此而建立的友誼。

If more appreciative customers for their shares exist elsewhere , why not bring the company to them 如果更多明智的持股者將資金投向別處,為何不干脆把公司全權交付給他們呢?

Overall the training went very well and student were very excited and appreciative at the same time 總的說來,這一天進展的相當順利,學生們都相當興奮,同時也非常感激。

Second word , be appreciative . look for something that you can actually complement them on , thank them for 第二個詞語,要欣賞,找出你可以贊賞他們,感謝他們的地方。

All these features endow the modern fine arts with innegligible social value and appreciative value 觀和失望的情緒,感覺到他們思想中強烈的個人主義和虛無主義。

So , although i know he has enough already , i feel very appreciative because we can do so much 即使我知道他所得到的也夠了,但我非常感恩我們所得到的是這么豐富。

Moreover the author expounded the relationship between the appreciative education and the non - intellectual factors 本文論述了賞識教育與非智力因素方面的關系。

She was surrounded by young men , whom she believed to have become suddenly appreciative of her qualities 一些年輕人把她包圍起來,她以為他們忽然賞識她的優點。

Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight ; silence would teach him the joys of sound 黑暗將使他更珍惜光明;沉寂將教他知道聲音的樂趣。

Darkness wold make him more appreciative of sight ; silence would teach him the joys of sound 黑暗會使他更珍惜光明;沉寂將教他享受聲音的歡快。

He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values 他們對生活的意義和它永恒的精神價值變得更具欣賞力了。

Sichuan opera will enable travelers to become more appreciative of this unique art in sichuan 川劇能夠使游客越來越喜愛四川的獨特藝術。

It ' s always rewarding when an appreciative reader sees the game the same way that i do 有眼光的讀者對比賽的看法與我一致總是讓我開心。

He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values 他對生活的意義和它永恒的變得更具欣賞力了。