
appreciation n.1.評價,鑒別。2.知道,了解。3.鑒賞,欣賞。4....

This sort of “discovery“ is unlikely to arouse appreciation ! 這種“發現”無疑不會得到贊賞!

“she's a fine decent tart,“ he said with appreciation . “她是個規矩的好妞兒,”他贊賞地說。

“high!“ said andy, with an air of instant appreciation . “噢!”安第立即會意地答道。


New exploration into su shi ' s poetic theory of appreciation 蘇軾詩歌鑒賞論新探

Cultivate the students ' appreciation of beauty 培養學生對美的鑒賞的初步能力。

Appreciation on the life spirit of cezanne ' s painting 解讀塞尚繪畫藝術的生命精神

Stylistic analysis and the appreciation of english poetry 文體分析與英語詩歌欣賞

135 letters of appreciation from libraries around the us 135感謝函美國各圖書館

We offer this small token by way of appreciation 我們贈送這小小的禮物以表謝意。

Aesthetic appreciation of liangshan children ' s game songs 涼山游戲兒歌的美學鑒賞

Appreciation and rumination : qi ' s and liang ' s palace poetry 齊梁宮體詩之女性觀

Comments on shen deqian ' s appreciation of ancient poems 沈德潛古代詩歌鑒賞評說

This is in appreciation of all that you mean to me 你對我的意義,盡在感謝之中。

Experience of appreciation of beauty and literature activity 審美體驗與文學活動

A letter of appreciation from lunghshan junior high school 山國中致贈感謝狀一紙

Analyses about the market press of appreciation of rmb 人民幣升值的市場壓力分析

His appreciation of dickens, heine, and other europeans was pushed firmly into a subordinate place in his new perspective . 過去他很欣賞狄更斯、海涅等歐洲作家,新的看法卻使他的敬意大大打了折扣。

When border prices are calculated taking the real appreciation into account, the actual increase in incentives was only 9 percent . 當計算邊境價格考慮到實際上升時,實際提高的獎勵只有9。

Perhaps, too, from such an organization will grow a better appreciation for the unity underlying the diversity of life . 或許,這種結構安排對于生命多樣性的一致性,還會產生更為完好的評鑒。