
appreciate vt.1.估價,評價,鑒別。2.體會;了解,意識到,懂得...


To develop the definition of it depends upon appreciating how (4. 1) is built up . 建立它的定義,取決于如何認識(41)的構成。

Everyone appreciates the obvious distinctions among solids, liquids, and gases . 任何人都明白固體、液體、氣體之間的顯著差別。

This can better be appreciated by examining the representation in fig. 6. 21 . 考察圖621所示的情況,可以更好的了解這一點。

The secretory system of the respiratory tract is probably the most appreciated . 呼吸道的分泌系統可能是最先被意識到的。

Many people could understand and appreciate what was discovered in physics . 許多人能夠理解并領會物理學所發現的東西。

And the best of it is, his eagerness to help was not appreciated . 而最妙的是,盡管他非常想幫上一點忙,人家并不領情。

We appreciate the consistency and stability in china and in chinese politics . 我們贊賞中國及其政策的連續性和穩定性。

I'd appreciate it if you'd make a small deposit now for me to hold the room . 最好現在先付點兒定錢,我好給您留房子。

This fact has been fully appreciated as a consequence of airborne surveys . 這一事實經過航空普查完全弄清楚了。

He appreciated nature's compliment in the fair one's choice of you . 他懂得被美人選中是大自然多么巨大的贊賞。

I appreciate chinese arts and crafts very much . now let me pay . 我非常欣賞中國的工藝美術品。現在我來付錢。

He appreciated keenly the intensity of the strain he had just witnessed . 他深切理解到他剛才看見的緊張程度。

I decided that brevity would be as much appreciated as eloquence . 我感到簡短肯定和言辭動聽一樣受人們贊賞。

You are too superficial to appreciate great literature like this . 你沒有鉆勁,無法欣賞這類文學巨著。

It was to be feared that his services were not appreciated by the nation . 他的功勞怕不為國家所賞識。

I don't hesitate to say so, because i always appreciate it . 我直截了當這么說,因為我一向重視這點。

Do n't fear it won't be appreciated , it stands up well to comparison . 不怕不識貨,就怕貨比貨。

The englishman seemed to appreciate this extreme delicacy . 英國人似乎很欣賞這一番極其委婉的話。

She does not appreciate me . 她看不上我。