
appreciable adj.1.可估價的。2.可察覺的。短語和例子There...

Therefore , i had a team test the performance and found to my happy surprise that there is no appreciable difference between the “ client “ calling a local get 因此,我讓一個團隊進行了性能測試,結果我很驚喜地發現,只要客戶機和實體均位于同一個全局事務范圍內, “客戶機”通過本地接口調用本地get


Characters controlled by the dna of extranuclear organelles are not inherited according to mendelian laws and are transmitted only through the female line , since only the female gametes have an appreciable amount of cytoplasm 由于細胞質大多來自母體所產生的配子,所以由細胞核外的細胞器的dna所控制的遺傳性狀一般只隨母系而遺傳,也不符合孟德爾定律。

Society is hopelessly snobbish , and this fact of your extraction may make an appreciable difference to its acceptance of you as my wife , after i have made you the well - read woman that i mean to make you 社會的勢利是沒有辦法了,我要按照我的意思讓你變成一個博學的女子,然后再做我的妻子就能被人接受了,你的德貝維爾后裔的身分也要變得大不一樣了。

However , for babies born in public hospitals with similar health conditions , there is no appreciable difference between the length of stay of babies born to non - entitled persons mothers and that of babies born to entitled persons 不過,以健康情況相若的嬰兒來說,不論母親是否符合資格人士,其留院時間并無明顯的差別。

The nonlinear reverse saturable absorption measurements of composite materials were performed with a frequency - doubled q switched nd : yag laser . appreciable effect of optical limiting was observed in the experiments 用yag倍頻調q脈沖激光器測試了復合材料的非線性反飽和吸收性質,發現材料具有明顯的光限幅效應。

For small fields , air is a good insulator ? electrons attach to oxygen atoms faster than they are knocked loose by collisions ? and electric current cannot flow in any appreciable amount 對微弱的電場而言,空氣是優良的絕緣體(電子附著到氧原子上的速度,大于受沖撞而游離的速度) ,并不會有可觀的電流流通。

Therefore , i had a team test the performance and found to my happy surprise that there is no appreciable difference between the “ client “ calling a local get 因此,我讓一個團隊進行了性能測試,結果我很驚喜地發現,只要客戶機和實體均位于同一個全局事務范圍內, “客戶機”通過本地接口調用本地get

His essays , especially those on the noble morality and glorious life of his comrade - in - arms , are highly appreciable since every word of the works is overwelmed with passion 他的散文,那些抒寫革命戰友高尚情懷、壯美人生的篇章,似乎每一行文字都是用感情的液汁浸泡出來的,十分值得珍視。

The white race was able to work appreciable change on a population that already encompassed a quarter of humanity ? barring measures that would have made child ' s play of the draconian 這段話的上下文主要講:白人能夠對已經占人類1 / 4的人口(其實是指中國人)實施重大轉變。

To be frank , if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas , the basic principles of the discipline ( of science ) are understandable and appreciable 其實,撇開數學,繞過那一大堆公式,一門學科的基本思想還是可以被我們理解和欣賞的。

Also appreciable were the declines in prices of exports of goods and services , amid keener competition in the overseas markets and weak regional demand 此外,由于出口市場競爭加劇,以及區內需求疲弱,出口貨物及服務輸出的價格也有頗顯著的跌幅。

Directs and participates in manufacturing engineering projects of a broad and complex nature requiring appreciable creativity , ingenuity and judgment 引導和參與廣泛而復雜的制造工程項目,并具有富有靈感的創造性、思維敏捷和判斷力強。

The ability of a material to become permanently deformed ? stretched , drawn , or hammered without failure while maintaining an appreciable load 變成永久性變形的能力-擴展,拉伸,或錘鍛后在可預估的持續負載下不出現故障的能力。

However , there are appreciable differences in exploration level between eastern and western china because of the influence of physical geographical factors 但由于自然地理因素影響,中國礦產勘查程度東、西部差異較大。

It supports an appreciable assemblage of rare , vulnerable , or endangered species of plants or animals . it holds more than 20 , 000 waterbirds 該濕地是一定數量的稀有易危或瀕危動植物物種的棲身之所

Ptwi is an estimate of the amount of a contaminant that can be ingested over a lifetime without appreciable risk 暫定每周可容忍攝入量是指人于一生中,每周可攝取某一污染物而不致帶來風險的分量。

The position of the earth ' s magnetic poles is not constant but shows an appreciable change after year to year 參考譯文:由于不具備特別快的速度,獅子必須依靠突然襲擊的手段捕食。

If you use the trick several times , you ll probably still get an appreciable speed boost 如果您多次用到這種訣竅,在速度方面,可能還將獲得可觀的改進。

A fracture or crack in a rock mass along which no appreciable movement has occurred 裂縫,裂口巖石塊中的碎片或縫隙,在其周圍未發生過可被覺察到的運動