
appraiser n.估價人,評價人,鑒定人。


The defects both in theory and practical make many real estate appraisers make no use it rashly , even though they know that it is a estimating method which is suitable for benefit real estate and potential benefit real estate . they only use market method and cost method 由于收益法在理論和實際應用方面的這些缺點,使得收益法作為一種適用于收益性或潛在收益性房地產的估價方法,實際運用較少,在估價中僅用市場法和成本法。

A thorough analysis on the appraisal of hotel service by different appraisers , who are customer , hotel organization , and the third party . summarize the evaluation foundations , forms , the advantages and disadvantages of these three kinds of appraisers 對包括顧客評價、飯店評價、第三方評價在內的幾種現行飯店服務評價方式進行評價依據、評價形式等方面的總結與歸納,深入分析三種評價方式的各自優缺點。

The analysis on current situation of enterprise valuation method and appraiser ' s difference bases on a large number of questionnaire which divided the data of thematic questionnaire into groups repeatedly and carried on independent character inspection 在大量專題調查問卷的基礎上,對數據資料進行了重復分組的獨立性檢驗,分析了我國企業價值評估方法的總體應用現狀,不同類別評估師應用評估方法的差異。

These studies will take important part in intending structure inspection , seismic appraiser ; seismic strengthening of historic timber structure buildings , and will provide very useful suggestions to modem building construction 并提出了針對具體情況對古建筑文物進行維護、修復、加固的方法。這些研究對現存木結構古建筑的結構u 、抗震鑒定、抗震加固具有實際意義。

The teaching effectiveness standard should include the social assessment and academy appraisal . in the academy appraisal , the specialist , the partner , the student and supervisor appraiser are also concerned 從評價的組織形式上看,是以專家評價和學生評價為主,其他各方第四軍醫大學碩士研究生論文一評估做為參考。

The purpose of the thesis is to offer a new solution against ship investment risk problem , which can be as reference for decision - makers and appraisers who are engaging in such risk field 作者旨在提出一種研究船舶投資風險的新思路、新方法,為今后從事該領域風險分析的研究人員及航運企業投資決策提供有益的參考。

Reproducibility is the variation in the average of the measurements made by different appraisers using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part 再現性是由不同的評價人采用相同的測量儀器,測量同一零件的同一特性時測量平均值的變差

Attended the 2nd discussion on proposed amendments to the valuers , appraisers and estate agents act , 1981 ( vaea act ) of acccim construction & property committee 總秘書胡文杰出席由商聯會建筑及地產組所召開的第2次討論會,商討有關提議修改核價代理、估價代理及不動產代理法令。

The dissertation gives some suggestions to which appraiser has to pay attention when he applies definite mathematical technology to higher education evaluation 所得出的結論給出了科學使用這些確定數學模型作為評價工具應注意的問題,同時給出了這些模型在教育評價中的新應用。

Nowadays the appraiser , maintenance and reinforcement techniques have become important parts in field of modern civil engineering and have been highly regarded at home and abroad 目前,建筑物的維修和加固改造技術已成為現代建筑技術的重要組成部分,倍受國內外的高度重視。

Please provide the house assignment contract , the appraiser ' s report , a copy of id cards and marriage certificate of the seller and the buyer , and the original of the title deed of house 稅務員:請提供房屋轉讓合同,評估報告、買賣雙方的身份證、結婚證復印件、原契證。

In november 2003 , the hong kong institute of surveyors signed a reciprocity agreement with the china institute of real estate appraisers on mutual recognition 2003年11月,香港測量師學會與中國房地產估價師學會簽署資格互認協議。

According to the claim of the parties or the request of the arbitration tribunal , the appraisal organ shall appoint an appraiser to participate in the hearing 根據當事人的請求或者仲裁庭的要求,鑒定部門應當派鑒定人參加開庭。

He set up beijing jzsc intellectual property appraisal center of judicatory and registered as appraiser of intellectual property in 1999 1999年創建北京九州世初知識產權司法鑒定中心,取得知識產權司法鑒定人資格。

At last , the thesis puts forward some problem encountered in writting the thesis to retain the appraiser ' s attention 論文最后對研究過程中發現的問題作了闡述,以引起今后從事這方面研究工作人士的參考。

The methods of this paper could be used in practice , and could be used as references for other appraiser of port economic impact 本文的方法可以作為測算港口經濟影響的參考,并可以應用于實際工作之中。

Dunlop photographed this belted kingfisher near his home . the real estate appraiser used a 600mm lens and 1 . 4x teleconverter 鄧洛普,房地產評估師,用600毫米鏡頭和1 . 4倍望遠倍率鏡拍攝了這只白頸藍翠鳥。

Lawyer , cpa , certified asset appraiser , certified tax advisor , research fellow of beijing administration of foreign exchange control 律師會計師資產評估師稅務師,北京外匯管理局研究人員。

To be convenient for appraiser to apply the technique , this article also gives a brief appliance demonstration about it 為便于評價主體操作,論文最后還給出d ? fahp ? f綜合評價方法的應用示例。