
appraise vt.1.評價,估價。2.鑒定,品定。短語和例子Prop...

“do you play tennis yourself?“ her eyes appraised him in a definitely feminine way and with a faint invitation in her glance . “你打網球嗎?”她的雙眼十分嫵媚地打量著他,目光略帶挑逗。


So should see the black distribution to appraise the black jade 所以鑒定墨玉要看墨色的分布。

Clients appraise - nanjing efful building materials co . , ltd 客戶評價-南京一夫建材實業有限公司

Quality appraising standard for grain dryer 糧食干燥機質量評價規范

It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised 買房子不事先估價是不明智的。

Appraising the outlook on destiny of philosophy before the qin dynasty 評先秦哲學中的命運觀

Application of dtopsis in appraising new rice varieties 法在綜合評價水稻新品種中的初步應用

A comprehensive appraising model evaluating staff loyalty 員工忠誠度評估的模糊綜合評判模型

The ways to appraise and stimulate salespeople 考核激勵銷售人員的學問

Quality appraising standard for air - heating furnace 熱風爐質量評價規范

Evaluation : appraise the best group through discussion 互相評價:各組互相評價表演表現。

Our products have good appraise from our customers 受到用戶一致好評。

On a class of commenting on and appraising test paper 記一次試卷講評課

The teacher is appraising the students ' work 老師正在評定學生的作業。

Doorbell rings - why should anyone appraise our property 為什么要找人給我們的財產估價?

Operation of the difficulties in appraising enterprise managers 企業經理人考評難點的操作

We receive a highly appraise for the service 到目前為止,顧客對我們的服務質量評價甚高。

2 . appraises the software and the standard 2 .對機構知識庫的構建工具及標準進行評價。

Lingnan university graduates are highly appraised by employers 嶺大畢業生獲雇主高度贊揚