
appositive adj.【語法】同位的,同格的。n.【語法】同位語。ad...

appositive adjective

The simple sentences in news titles have such patterns as subject - predicate structure , modifier - keyword structure , verb - object structure , parataxis structure , structure with consecutive predicates , appositive structure , and single - word structure . subject - predicate structure is the major one in simple sentence . the logical relations between clauses of main titles that are complex sentences , or between shoulder titles and main titles , or between main titles and subtitles are : parataxis , continuity , illustration , causality , transition , progression , purpose , hypothesis , condition , and so on 新聞標題單句一般由主謂、偏正、動賓、并列、連謂、同位、獨詞等結構形式構成,其中主謂結構是新聞標題單句的主要結構形式;新聞標題復句中,主題復句各分句之間、引題與主題之間、主題與副題之間、引題與主題與副題之間存在著并列、順承、解說、因果、遞進、轉折、目的、條件、假設等邏輯關系。

Through the review of the literature education history , we can conclude some negative and appositive lessons and realize the historical trend of implementing literature education nowadays 通過對文學教育歷史的回顧,可以從中總結出正、反兩方面的經驗教訓,同時也使我們看到了當前實施文學教育的歷史大趨勢。

D . changing the relation between the noun and the appositive clause , the noun being converted into a verb 已下命令將現在在航天實驗室里的研究人員送回來。

Appositive clause formation 同位分句構成

Talking about the usage phenomenon of appositive in the english teaching 談談英語教學中同位語運用的現象