
apposite adj.1.適當的,合適的。2.【植物;植物學】并生的;...


Uygur collective dance 5 - color shoes 5 chirrupy uygur youngsters all had fine shoe - making crafts , at their age of first awakening of love , encountered a beautiful girl , and they decided to make a pair of shoes each for her , and let the girl to choose the person who made the most apposite shoes 維吾爾族集體舞五色鞋五個快樂的維吾爾小伙兒都有一手精湛的做鞋手藝,正是情竇初開的年紀,遇上美麗的姑娘,他們決定各自為她做一雙鞋,誰做得最合適,由姑娘說了算。

It is an important part of modern enterprise management , and is the core of the construction enterprises . in order to survive in intensive competition , some construction enterprises establish a more apposite cost system called target cost management ( tcm ) for cost control 但從實行目標成本管理的效果來看,仍然存在著許多疏漏和弊端,因此有必要對目標成本管理模式、步驟、環節及方法進行更為深入、細致地探討。

Chinese natural comprehension ; meridian science ; liquid media contained in the apposite membrane structure ; regulation of low resistance passing ; efficiency of meridian linking up 中華自然理念經絡科學含液并置膜結構低阻貫通調節經絡貫通效率

This , from him , so unexpectedly apposite , had the effect upon her of a providential interposition 他說出這句話來,完全和她想說的一樣,這使她覺得好像是上天的有意安排。

I find his speech wholly apposite to the current debate 我認為他的講話對當前的辯論是恰到好處的。

I found his speech wholly apposite to the current debate 我認為他的講話對當前的辯論是恰到好處的

That proverb is apposite to this case 那諺語切合于這個情形。