
appose vt.(-posed; -posing)1.并列;把…置...


Especially , at the site of implantation of day 5 , 6 , uterine stroma cell apposing the preimplantation blastocyst changed into the decidual cells and displayed a distinct immunostaining of phospho mapk . western - blot results showed p44 express stronger than p42 did , with both their peak expression were observed on day 5 , during the period of uterine decidualization 上述結果表明, ma衛k的激活與子宮內膜的接受性及蛻膜的形成有密切關系,推測mapk級聯通路激活對蛻膜化十分重要,蛻膜化可能與egf尼gfr直接或間接激活erk有關。

They always express welcome and cooperating attitude to the eastern expansion of eu , while firmly appose to the eastern expansion of nato . till now , putin always describes the eastern expansion of nato as a “ mistake ” 對歐盟東擴,普京政府一直持歡迎與合作的態度;而對北約東擴,卻持堅決反對的態度,一直到現在,還一直聲稱,北約東擴是一個“錯誤” 。

It features video of humpback whales frolicking in the sea , and australia ' s environment minister ( a mount of turnoff , ) mt interviewing australian children who ( are apposed ) oppose japan ' s whaling program 片子記錄了駝背鯨在海洋嬉戲和澳大利亞環境部mt采訪反對日本捕鯨行為的澳大利亞孩子。

According to apposed by the peal ( the polls like the pew ) global attitude project , formerly positive views of america have dropped significantly , especially in the middle - east 根據佩尤全球態度調查結果,之前世界各國對于美國所持的積極態度已大副下降,特別是中東地區的國家。

Secondly , the globalization of the economy is apposed to the contemporary nationalism issues , which has influenced the general situation of the world 其次,經濟全球化的發展與當代民族主義問題相互對立,影響著世紀之初世界的總體面貌。

The distributor shall write the code of distributor on the box of “ distributor code ” and appose the official seal to them when he sells the products 在產品銷售時,請經銷商在“經銷商編碼”下的方框內填寫經銷商編碼,并加蓋公章。

The recommended approach for accessing resources outside the database under an impersonation context is to use certificates and signatures as apposed to the 在模擬上下文內訪問數據庫以外資源的建議方法是使用證書和簽名替代

Consequently , if shortening will not be too great , the defect should be obliterated , and the fragments should be apposed before the grafts are applied 因此、如果短縮不是太多,在植骨前應先將骨塊對位,避免出現骨缺損。

To appose japan successfully, china must seek assistance from other powers . 要抗日成功,中國也必須得到其他國家的援助。