
apportion vt.分派,分攤;分配 (among)。 an appo...

“ how often is the lamp of the wicked put out , or does their calamity fall on them ? does god apportion destruction in his anger 伯21 : 17惡人的燈何嘗熄滅患難何嘗臨到他們呢神何嘗發怒、向他們分散災禍呢。

“ these are the names of the men who shall apportion the land to you for inheritance : eleazar the priest and joshua the son of nun 民34 : 17要給你們分地為業之人的名字、是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞。

“ there is no point apportioning ( allocate ) blame , “ said snape smoothly . “ what is done , is done . “追究是誰的過錯已經沒有用了, ”斯內普不動聲色地說, “該做的已經做了。 ”

“ now therefore , apportion this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half - tribe of manasseh . 書13 : 7現在你要把這地分給九個支派、和瑪拿西半個支派為業。


In the 1980s researchers at xerox parc proposed and analyzed economic approaches to apportioning computer resources 1980年代,美國全錄帕洛亞托實驗室的研究人員,提供并分析了幾項適當分配電腦資源的經濟法則。

At present , there is no statutory provision to apportion the dependent parent or grandparent allowance additional allowance 現行法例亦無將供養或額外供養父母祖父母外祖父母免稅額攤分予不同納稅人的條文。

“ how often is the lamp of the wicked put out , or does their calamity fall on them ? does god apportion destruction in his anger 伯21 : 17惡人的燈何嘗熄滅患難何嘗臨到他們呢神何嘗發怒、向他們分散災禍呢。

These are the territories which moses apportioned for an inheritance in the plains of moab , beyond the jordan at jericho to the east 書13 : 32以上是摩西在約但河東對著耶利哥的摩押平原、所分給他們的產業。

However as the lord has apportioned to each one , as god has called each one , so let him walk . and so i direct in all the churches 17只要照主所分給各人的,和神所召各人的而行。我在眾召會中都是這樣吩咐。

Example : as stated in his will , the many companies owned by the old man were apportioned equally among his children after his death 按照這位老人的遺囑,他去世后,他所擁有的財產被平均分配給他的子女。

First , writing software that apportions computational tasks among several processors remains an unwanted burden for many programmers 首先,寫程式把運算工作分配給數個處理器,對程式設計師是件苦差事。

“ these are the names of the men who shall apportion the land to you for inheritance : eleazar the priest and joshua the son of nun 民34 : 17要給你們分地為業之人的名字、是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞。

What calls close an account kind account , defray kind account , wait for booth kind account , the apportion that cross a state kind account 什么叫結算類賬戶,支出類賬戶,待攤類賬戶,跨國分攤類賬戶?

As stated in his will , the many companies owned by the old man were apportioned equally among his children after his death 按照這位老人的遺囑,他去世后,他所擁有的多家公司被平均分配給他的子女。

A benefit theory - tax apportioned among people in relation to the benefits they receive from publicly provided goods and services 所得利益看法benefit theory -根據市民享用公共服務的比例付稅

You accomplish part of this job by instructing the compiler how to apportion your code and data among various sections 你通過命令編譯器:如何在不同的片斷中分配你的代碼和數據來協調這部分工作。

It is not necessary to apportion ( or gross up ) the figures if more ( or less ) than 12 - month accounts have been prepared 如果擬備了12個月以上(或下)的帳目,則無須把數字攤分(或相加) 。

While it contributes nothing positive to apportion blame at this time few people involved are immune from criticism 盡管在這個時候追究責任于事無補,但所有參與者幾乎沒有人可以逃避指責。

But the land shall be apportioned by lot ; they shall inherit it according to the names of the tribes of their fathers 55雖是這樣,還要拈鬮分地;他們要按著祖宗支派的名字,承受為業。