
appointment n.1.任命,委派,任用。2.任職,官職,職位。3.法令...

appointment call

My theory is that we must bring new blood into the institute through appointment of younger men to important positions . 我的意見是我們學院應該通過重用年輕一些的人來注入新的血液。

An appointment was made for us, by an old delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake . 一位年長的特拉華人安排我們在湖邊的一塊巖石旁會面。

Undoubtedly his one failure in his career was his inability to make good appointments . 無疑,他生平事業中的一個缺陷是不能作出好的人事安排。

Truman's appointments secretary was convicted of conspiracy in a tax case, sent to prison . 杜魯門的約會秘書因參與一件稅收舞弊案判罪入獄。

When i discovered i had come for the appointment on the wrong day , i could have kicked myself . 我來赴約發現把日期弄錯了,感到非常懊惱。

The second objective was to ensure his own appointment as president and chief executive . 第二件事是要保證他本人將被任命為總裁兼總經理。

What i wanted you to do is to go to washington and dig out this appointment for me . 我要你做的事只是到華盛頓去一次,替我鉆營這個職位。

He was rather surprised to see them, as he knew nothing of their appointment . 他一點不知道他倆的約會,因此在這里碰上他們感到很突然。

He begged off having lunch, claiming an important appointment in new york . 他婉言謝絕留下來吃午飯,說是要去紐約赴重要約會。

I'll send a telegram to churchill making an appointment for tomorrow morning . 我要給邱吉爾拍個電報,約好明天上午和他會面。

It was vital to get an early decision on the appointment of the commander-in-chief . 早日決定總司令人選也是非常重要的問題。

April 30 he had an appointment with bosinney to go over the accounts . 四月三十日那一天,他跟波辛尼約好看一下帳目。

I have to make an appointment to get braces for dorothy's teeth . 我現在還得去牙科醫生那兒給多蘿西裝一副矯牙套。

However, through this glorious affair i got my appointment . 不管怎么說,我是由于這一光榮的業績才能得到委任的。

Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment . 接替他出任這個教職的洛威爾也極其稱職。

Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment . 接替他出任這個職位的洛威爾也極其稱職。

If you phoned my secretary she would give you an appointment . 你給我秘書打個電話,她就會給你約定個時間。

That evening she kept an appointment with jude, who seemed sad . 那天晚上,她跟裘德有約會,他好象很愁悶。

I reminded him of the appointment , but he did n't make any response . 我提醒他約會時間,但他沒有搭腔。