
appointive adj.1.(官職等)委任的,任命的。2.有任命[指定]...


After 30 - year reform , the state owned enterprise has already made the distinct progress in the system innovation . in contrast , the reform on the selective and appointive mechanism of the state owned business operators has lagged , which shows that the selection and appointment of most stateowned enterprise operators has still followed the way of choosing the communist and political cadres under the planned economy system , nearly the administratine duty system 經過近30年的的改革,國有企業在制度創新方面已經取得明顯的進展,相比之下,國有企業經營者的選拔任用機制的改革是相對滯后的,表現在大部分國有企業經營者的選拔任用仍沿用計劃經濟體制下遺留下來的選拔黨政干部的做法,即行政任命制。

Rightly based on this fact and closely surrounding the links of the selective and appointive mechanism of operators , this paper analyzes the current situation , problems and causes of the selective and appointive mechanism of the stateowned business , combines the concrete practice of the selective and appointive mechanism of operators in the developed countries , uses the relative theories and methods of modern management science and psychology , and puts forward the countermeasure of the selective and appoinitive mechanism of the stateowned operators which reflects the virtuous and talented information of operators and adpts to modern enterprise system 本文正是立足于這一現實,緊緊圍繞經營者選拔任用機制的各個環節,通過對當前國有企業經營者選拔任用機制的現狀、問題及原因進行分析,并結合發達國家國有企業經營者選拔任用機制的具體實踐,運用現代管理學和心理學的相關理論與方法,提出能夠反映經營者德才信息并與現代企業制度相適應的國有企業經營者選拔任用機制的對策。

The personnel commission usually holds examinations for the recruitment of new staff , and candidates who pass the examinations are recruited by persons who have appointive powers , including the governor 原則上,人事委員會通常負責招收新職員的考試,知事等有任命權的人從考試合格者中錄取任用。

Therefore , the reformation of the selective and appointive mechanism of the selective and appointive mechanism of the state - owned enterprise operators has become extraordinarily important 因此,對國有企業經營者的選拔任用機制進行改革,已成為深化國有企業改革的重中之重。

Intension contradiction and rationality analysis in accounting appointive system 會計委派制內涵矛盾與合理性分析