
appointee n.1.被任命者,被指定者。2.【法律】被指定為財產的受...


In the light of the new situation , we should accept these new appointees with some generosity of spirit and adopt a supportive rather than a harsh and demanding attitude 如何對待這個新生事物,我想大家都應有一顆寬容的心,采取扶持而不是苛求的態度,人同此心,香港的日子也會好過些。

The numbers of applications received and appointments made so far , and the numbers of appointees who have a relevant master s degree and are attending relevant courses respectively (三)迄今接獲的申請及聘用的人數,以及受聘者當中分別有多少人持有相關的碩士學位或正在修讀有關課程;

Meanwhile , the federal emergency management agency 5 ) ( fema ) , headed by 6 ) inexperienced bush - appointee mike brown , seemed grossly unprepared for the 7 ) havoc that followed 同時,由美國總統小布希任命的聯邦緊急管理署( fema )署長麥可布朗缺乏相關經驗,也似乎對隨后而至的巨變毫無準備。

This is an important supervisory requirement that aims at ensuring , as much as possible , that the appointees to those senior management positions are fit and proper to perform their roles 這是一項很重要的監管條文,目的是確保擔任高級管理層職位的人選是履行有關職能的適當人選。

The university is concerned with possible infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights by its appointees and students , and for which the university may have vicarious liability 中大關注其雇員及學生有可能侵犯版權及其他知識產權;中大亦因此而間接承擔責任。

The scheme provides eligible appointees and their eligible family members additional convenience of outpatient consultation services at subsidized charges at clinics under contract with the university 符合資格之員工及直系親屬可獲大學補助,于本計劃下特約診所接受門診服務。

Appointees with only a degree enter the pay scale at mps point 17 and are barred from proceeding beyond mps point 27 and from promotion , unless they acquire a pgce in the interval 另加學位教師教育證書。單單持有學位的人士,獲聘用后,其入職起薪點是總薪級表第17點。除非他

As the chairman under the new structure will be a government appointee rather than an employee of the sfc , heshe will be independent of the executive management 由于新運作架構下的主席并非證監會雇員而是由政府委任的人士,故此可以獨立于執行管理層,從而加強內部管治和制衡。

As the chairman under the new structure will be a government appointee rather than an employee of the sfc , he she will be independent of the executive management 由于新運作架構下的主席并非證監會雇員而是由政府委任的人士,故此可以獨立于執行管理層,從而加強內部管治和制衡。

According to available information , about 83 per cent of the appointees are immediate family members or close relatives of the recipients , and about 7 per cent are social workers 現有資料顯示,約有百分之八十三的受委人是受助人的直屬家人或近親,而約有百分之七是社工。

An appointee is required to maintain a separate bank account and to ensure that the account is used solely for the purpose of receiving and administering cssa for the applicant (三)受委人須另外開立一個獨立銀行帳戶,并確保該帳戶是專門作為申請人領取和管理綜援金之用。

Qualified part - time appointee means with a car registered in own or spouses name , and who is required to do part - time teaching on campus in the current term ( iv )符合條件之兼職教員乃指( a )車輛乃以本人或配偶名義為登記車主,及( b )其需在該學期于校園擔任兼職教學工作者。

An average amount of $ 22 , 000 was involved in these cases . eleven appointees concerned were relatives and one was a friend of the recipients concerned 這些個案平均每宗涉及的綜緩款項為二萬二千元,而涉案的受委人有十一位是受助人的親屬,另有一位是受助人的朋友。

Full - time resident appointees without driving licence , but with car driven by a close family member relative who is permitted to register to reside with the appointee on campus -住校全職雇員本身并無駕駛執照,而車輛則由登記與其同在校園住宿之家庭成員/近親駕駛者

Overnight parking appointees holding a labels may apply for overnight parking at a designated parking site within the controlled areas not distant from the university train station ( i )持“ a ”證雇員可申請將持證車輛逾夜停放在距火車站不遠之指定逾夜泊車處。

To publicize the policies related to the personal data privacy ordinance and to oversee compliance with the ordinance by the university , its units , appointees and members ,負責在校內推廣《個人資料(私隱)條例》 ,以及監察校內各單位遵守該條例的規定。

Reference icac pay scale is the pay scale introduced on 1 april 2000 for appointment on starting salaries . appointee without a degree will enter at a lower pay point 廉政人員參照薪級表是獲取錄人員入職薪酬的薪級表,由二零零零年四月一日起生效。

Throughout the icac s history , the appointments of new commissioners often attracted concerns of some quarters of the public and expectations of the new appointees aired 回顧廉署的歷史,每一次有新的廉政專員被委任,公眾總會有新的期望和評論。

Appointees holding a labels may apply for overnight parking at a designated parking site within the controlled areas not distant from the university train station ( i )持“ a ”證雇員可申請將持證車輛逾夜停放在距火車站不遠之指定逾夜泊車處。