
appoint vt.1.委派,任命 (opp. dismiss)。2....

With a straight face speer appointed ley on the spot “commissioner of death ray“ . 斯佩爾裝出一本正經的神氣,當場委任萊伊為“死光制造局局長”。

Individuals are frequently appointed “acting“ managers . 個人經常被任命為“代理”主管。


The arbitral tribunal may appoint one or more experts to report to it, in writing, on specific issues to be determined by the tribunal . 仲裁庭可以任命專家一人或數人,就仲裁庭所需決定的特殊問題向仲裁庭提出書面報告。

The two appointed days ran out, three days and nights ran out, and stephen blackpool did not come, and remained unheard of . 原來講的兩天已經過去了,三天三夜也過去了,而斯梯芬布拉克普兒還是沒有回來,依然渺無消息。

He had appointed to go out in this boat, either for pleasure or for fish, with two or three moors of some distinction in that place . 他吩咐下來,要同兩三位在本地有地位的摩耳人一同坐這只船到海上去閑游或者打魚。

He relied on advisers, most of whom he had not appointed and whose way of thinking was not really congenial to him . 他依靠顧問,而他的大多數顧問并沒有得到他的任命,他們的思想方法也并不是確實和他氣味相投的。

Therefore, administration is not quite bureaucracy in palmerston's sense of government by appointed office holders . 因此,在帕默斯頓所講的那種政治意義上,管理并不是由被任命的官員進行治理的官僚政治。

A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person to investigate private grievances against the state . 代表各個政黨的議會委員會任命一個人來調查個人對國家的不滿。

He had much influence with the king--so much, in fact that he was soon appointed governor of all the eastern part of haiti . 他對國王的影響很大,實際上,很快他就被任命為海地東部全境的總督。

Dick white's flat backed onto mi6 headquarters in broadway, and i arrived there promptly at the appointed time . 迪克懷特的公寓背靠著坐落在百老匯的軍情6局總部。我按約定時間準時到達。

Now that my opportunity has come at last, i am appointed to introduce a clergyman who needs no introduction in america . 現在我終于得到機會,我被指定來介紹一位在美國不需要介紹的牧師。

The credentials committee, appointed by the president at each session, verifies the credentials of representatives . 全權證書委員會,在每屆會議上由主席任命,負責審查各國代表的證書。

The appointing authority may require from either party such information as it deems necessary to fulfil its function . 指定機關可要求任何一方提供它認為為執行其職務所必需的資料。

It was appointed that the book should shut with a spring for ever and for ever when i had read but a page . 這本書注定永遠永遠是被一把彈簧鎖鎖著的,當我才不過讀了一頁的時候。

I never thought i should see the day when a distinguished chinese banker was appointed one of my guardians . 我沒想到有一天能有位能干的華人銀行家來擔任我的監護人。

There was a time for everything all round the dial of clock, and everything was done at its appointed moment . 每一件事情都規定了時刻,而且都是按規定的時間進行。

I remember the hesitation of a division manager to appoint a subordinate to operations manager . 我記得有一個分部的經理曾經為選用一個部屬的主管而遲疑不決。

On their marriage they had been appointed to the islands in which they had laboured ever since . 他們結婚以后就被派到這些島嶼來,一直在那里埋頭苦干。

We were informed by israel that the egyptians had not showed up at the appointed time or place . 以色列通知我們,埃及人在指定的時間和地點沒有出現。