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applied art 實用美術。

The attempt to gain for some of the arts the status of learned or quasi - learned professions resulted in a distinction between “ the fine arts “ and “ the applied arts “ , a distinction that has done harm to both 人們賦予某些藝術以有學問或半學問的專業地位,區分出“高雅藝術”和“應用藝術” ,這種做法對彼此都有害無益。

He is associate professor at facuity of applied arts , teaching “ ceramic sculpture “ . he lives in belgrade , yugoslavia 現居住在南斯拉夫貝爾格萊德,任實用藝術系教授,講授“陶藝雕塑” 。

applied chemistry

The graduation exhibition of hong kong art school has commenced in january this year , more than 170 graduates from fine arts , applied arts and media arts are participating in the exhibition and displaying their works in the pao galleries , experimental gallery , jockey club gallery and mcaulay studio of hong kong arts centre 香港藝術學院本年度的畢業展于上月開幕,超過一百七十位分別來自純藝術、應用藝術及媒體藝術的畢業生于包氏畫廊、實驗畫廊、賽馬會藝廊及麥高利小劇場展出畢業作品,將多年來的學習成果呈現于觀眾眼前。

Established since 2000 , the school has been offering integrated programmes ranging from short courses to certificate , diploma , higher diploma , associate degree , first degree , and post - graduate degree , covering six academic areas , namely , fine art , chinese art , applied art , media art , arts education , and humanities . as of 2003 , the school has become a recognized sub - degree award granting institution 自二年成立以來,學院開辦了多種課程,包括短期課程及多個頒授學歷課程如證書、文憑、高級文憑、副學士、學士及深造課程,涵蓋藝術、中國藝術、應用藝術、媒體藝術、藝術教育及人文學科六個學術范疇。

Full - time mode for both streams , with an additional part - time mode for the applied arts stream . the first associate degree programme with concentration on visual arts available in hong kong , it is designed to provide both academic and practical training for those who want to develop their creative mind and to nurture their aesthetic sensitivity , communication ability and cultural awareness via professional arts education 嶺南大學遂與香港藝術中心藝術學院合辦全港首項視覺藝術副學士學位課程藝術應用藝術,兩項專修科目均設全日制,而應用藝術專修加設兼讀制,旨在為學員提供理論與實習并重的藝術訓練,用以培育其創意思維美學觸覺溝通及文化認知的能力。

It also helps students to nurture creativity and innovative power for further artistic development . upon graduation , they will be equipped to be independent and self - directed learners in arts . the applied arts stream aims at sharpening students perceptual , communication , analytical and conceptual abilities 課程亦著重培養學員對事物的觸覺分析能力解決問題的能力及批判思考能力,使學員的創意和創造力得到發揮,并能于畢業后在藝術方面繼續自發地研習和深造。

There are nine areas of modules , namely language for 3 - year full - time programme only , fine arts , graphic communication design , art education communication , computer multimedia arts , photography , applied arts , video production , and portfolio 本課程包含九個修讀范圍,分別是語文(只適用于三年全日制課程) 、美術、平面與傳意設計、藝術教育與傳意、電腦多媒體藝術、攝影、應用藝術、影視制作及作品集。

The tombs , designed in keeping with the chinese principles of geomancy ( feng - shui ) , provide outstanding evidence of chinese beliefs and traditions from the 14th century onwards and are significant examples of architecture and applied arts from that period 這些皇家陵寢依照中國的風水理論精心選址修建,是14世紀以來中國古代信仰和傳統的體現,同時也是當時建筑技巧和實用藝術水平的見證。

She is a graduate of the mohawk college of applied arts and technology in canada . she is a fellow of life management institute . paul tang has been promoted to district manager of paul tang s district in hong kong 麥氏于加拿大蒙哈克應用藝術及科技學院mohawk college of applied arts and technology畢業,現為美國壽險內勤經營協會會員。

The attempt to gain for some of the arts the status of learned or quasi - learned professions resulted in a distinction between “ the fine arts ” and “ the applied arts ” , a distinction that has done harm to both 譯文人們賦予某些藝術以有學問或半學問的專業地位,區分出“高雅藝術”和“應用藝術” ,這種做法對彼此都有害無益。

As a craftsman , he has gone through an apprenticeship in the field of applied art , gives him certain advantages in the difficult art of design , as compared to those who partly or completely work from theoretical knowledge 凱?玻約森經歷了實用藝術設計的學徒生活,比較那些從事理論工作的人們,他具有難度藝術設計的優勢。

The attempt to gain for some of the arts the status of learned or quasi - learned professions resulted in a distinction between “ the fine arts “ and “ the applied arts “ , a distinction that has done harm to both 人們賦予某些藝術以有學問或半學問的專業地位,區分出“高雅藝術”和“應用藝術” ,這種做法對彼此都有害無益。

Velimir vulklcevic was born in belgrade in 1950 . he graduated from faculty of applied arts in 1974 , class of prof . mirjana isakovic , he got his masters degree in 1976 韋利米爾烏克塞維克1950年出生在貝爾格萊德, 1974年畢業于實用藝術專業,師從米拉娜伊薩科維克, 1976年獲得碩士學位。

The group of museums clustered on the banks of the river main includes the museum for applied art , the jewish museum and the modern art museum 在美術區座落著電影和建筑博物館應用藝術博物館猶太博物館和現代藝術博物館。

Article 6 . in the case of foreign works of applied art , the term of protection shall be twenty - five years commencing from the creation of the works 第六條對外國實用藝術作品的保護期,為自該作品完成起二十五年。

He has been a member of ul tptds association of applied arts artistis and designers of yugoslavla since 1974 , and of iac since 2001 1974年加入原南斯拉夫實用藝術家設計師聯盟, 2001年成為國際陶藝學會成員。

It ' s very useful on economy and clinic to apply art if iciai mechanical heart valve to the field of biomedical engineering 人工機械心瓣在生物醫學工程領域的應用具有極大的社會經濟效益及臨床意義。

Kay bojesen was a silversmith , but through his wooden toys he became known as one of danish applied art ' s great pioneers 凱?玻約森曾是一名銀匠,因設計木制玩具成名,并成為丹麥實用藝術的先驅人物。

He is associate professor at facuity of applied arts , teaching “ ceramic sculpture “ . he lives in belgrade , yugoslavia 現居住在南斯拉夫貝爾格萊德,任實用藝術系教授,講授“陶藝雕塑” 。