
applied adj.適用的,應用的,實用的 (opp. pure, ...

applied art

The torque applied to the whole assembly was measured at d . 整個組件所受的轉矩可在D上測出。

In applying any method one must resort to the computer . 在應用任何方法時都必須依靠計算機。

To begin with, he applied himself to the idea of realism . 一開頭他就獻身于現實主義的想法。

These remarks barely apply to poetry of the 1960s . 這些看法很難應用到一九六年代的詩歌。

Anyone who chooses can apply . 有意者均可申請。

The low-profile strategy would not apply to him . 這種避免引人注目的策略對他是不適用的。

Prudence applied principles to particular issues . 把原則應用在特殊問題上是深謀遠慮的。

Why do not you apply now ? 你怎么不現在就申請呢?

The term can be applied to peoples without a script . 這個詞語可以用于沒有文字的人群。

Timber borate treatment can be applied in this way . 硼酸鹽處理木材,也可用這種方法。

We can not apply mechanically other people 's experiences . 我們不能生搬別人的經驗。

What i have said applies only to some of you . 我所說的只適用于你們當中的一部分人。

Estela had jumped while the ointment was applied . 徐藥膏的時候,埃斯特拉驀地一跳。

This work has been shown to apply to other rusts . 這種工作曾被證實適用于其它銹菌。

She was my sponsor when i was applying for party membership . 她是我的入黨介紹人。

Secondly it is necessary to define the applied load . 其次,需要確定所作用的載荷。

Similar considerations apply to the diffracted rays . 對衍射光線可采用同樣的論證。

A force of 24kn is applied at b . 有24KN的力作用在B點。

For particulars apply to the office . 詳情請問辦事處。