
applicative adj.可適用的,合用的;實用的。

Firstly , the thesis introduces sip ’ s applicative background , function specialities , cooperating protocols . and based on the newest protocol specification , the thesis analyses its architecture , grammar , session call flow and expansibility in detail . after this , according to the software engineering “ s module developing principle , implement a standard protocol stack . then the thesis explain its core aspect : transaction layer , transaction user layer , and the interface between them 本文首先對sip的ngn應用背景,功能特點,搭配協議做了基本介紹,并以sip的最新協議標準rfc3261為依據,詳細分析了sip協議的框架結構,消息語法格式,會話呼叫流程,協議的開放擴展能力和基于sip協議的視頻會議通信模型。在此基礎上,按照軟件工程的模塊化開發原則,實現了符合協議標準的sip協議棧,并對該協議棧的核心:事務層和事務用戶層的狀態機變化圖以及層間事件接口作了詳細分析。

The applicative crops is the cucurbitaceous vegetables which seedling in nutritional bowl . it solves a difficult problem in vegetables “ grafting , therefore , has high value for use in vegetable production 該機器人針對的是采用營養缽育苗的葫蘆科蔬菜,實現了砧木苗在營養缽內無需拔苗即可直接的操作,有助于嫁接后苗的恢復,在生產中具有較高的實用價值。

Last , by providing an e - commerce example , we describe the mobile agent system “ s applicative plan and prospect 最后,作者提供了移動代理在電子商務領域的應用實例,說明移動代理系統的應用方案與前景。


During the whole reasoning process , this research adopt the artifice of numeral between symptom and diseases and insect pests , which denote the intensity connection of them and realize digital diagnosis for this expert system . thus the expert system realizes dynamic interactive between expert and user . the expert system has more human , efficient , veracious and applicative because it imitate the human ' s thinking process and the reasoning method partly 由于病蟲害與癥狀之間是一一對應的關系,并且又有數值作為它們之間聯系的紐帶,從而實現了系統與用戶的動態交互,從一定程度上模擬了專家在解決問題中的思維過程和推理方法,使系統更加人性化、效率更高、準確性更好、實用性更強。

A general introduction to the thesis : a description of tsp and it ' s mathematical model an introduction of the theories of neural network applied to the tsp an applicative analysis of hnn in solving the tsp the improvement of hnn the presentation of the solutions of large scale tsp based on the idea of sorting the innovations of this thesis : the analysis of the theoretical process of hnn in solving the tsp problem , the new improvment of hnn on the basis of early improvement , which makes the number of neural reduce from n2 to ( n - 1 ) 2 , and amplifies the architecture of neural network , also improves the efficiency . this has great significance in realizing hardware of the neural network . the presentation of the idea of sorting based on delamination in solving large scale tsp 本文所做的工作:給出了tsp問題的描述及數學模型介紹了神經網絡應用于tsp問題的相關理論知識hopfield算法在求解tsp問題中的應用分析在已有的改進算法基礎上,對hopfield算法進一步改進提出了大規模tsp問題的基于分層聚類思想的解決方案本文的創新之處:分析了hopfield神經網絡算法解決tsp問題的理論過程,在已有改進算法的基礎上,提出了新的改進,使得構造神經網絡的神經元數目由n ~ 2個減少到( n - 1 ) ~ 2個,簡化了網絡結構,提高了算法效率,對于神經網絡的硬件實現有重要的意義;提出采用分層聚類的方法來解決大規模tsp問題的方案。

Doubly salient electro - magnetic motor ( dsem ) is a kind of new brushless dc motor , and it has the merits of simple structure , high reliability , high energy density and capability running in high speed . doubly salient electro - magnetic starter / generator ( dses / g ) based on digital signal processor ( dsp ) has a good applicative prospect 電勵磁雙凸極電機是一種新型的無刷直流電機,它具有結構簡單、高可靠性、較高的能量密度和高速運行能力等優點,基于dsp的電勵磁雙凸極起動/發電機系統具有良好的應用前景。

Citing five - meter - high nanfei river rubber dam in hefei , one of the highest double - anchor water rubber dam in china as an example , while deeply analyzing some representative rubber dam projects in china , the article theoretically exploits the relationships among some technical parameters such as anti - pull intensity , internal pressure ratio , circum - oriented relative extending rate , etc . also has the author brought up his own opinion on rubber dam design & calculation theory , which is of high theoretical and applicative value for parameter optimization and combination of water rubber dam with a height of above 3 . 5 meters . it also helps when building over - five - meter - high rubber dam using seamless rubber dam and rubber dam with steel wire as its frame . this article also exploits safety measures for designing & building rubber dam in navigation areas 本文以充水式雙錨固橡膠壩目前國內最高(壩高5m )之一的合肥市南淝河橡膠壩工程為例,并在對全國目前已建橡膠壩代表工程進行深入分析的基礎上,對壩袋的抗拉強度、內壓比、環向相對伸長率等技術參數之間的關系進行了理論探討和研究,并對橡膠壩設計計算理論提出了自己的見解和看法,對指導設計壩高3 . 5m以上的充水式橡膠壩技術參數的優化組合具有重要的理論和應用價值,特別對應用無搭接縫橡膠壩、鋼絲網骨架橡膠壩建造壩高大于5m的橡膠壩具有指導意義。

The second section of this paper discussed this problem and take kezhou ' map as an instance to achieve the method of shortest - path based on mapinfo : ( 1 ) the study of shortest - path algorithms ( 2 ) the study of data - structures of computer ( 3 ) making windows applicative program to achieve the shortest - path used by mapbasic 本位第二部分就此進行了一定的探索,并以克州交通地圖為例說明了最短路徑的實現方法。研究內容如下: ( 1 )最短路算法的學習研究。 ( 2 )數據結構的學習研究。

After the analysis and summing up of the post - evaluation theory and method in the general building projects , according to the characteristics and contents of the highway network planning , the paper expounded the goal and meaning of post - evaluation in highway network planning in detail and proposed the framework of the highway network planning post - evaluation theory . then the paper defined the assessment index , assessment standard and assessment method of the post - evaluation of prospective development , scale prediction and construction arrangement in highway network planning post - evaluation by means of before - after contrast and mathematic method such as fuzzy set - value statistics , membership function decided by increment ant gahp etc . thus a set of logical , systematic and applicative highway network planning post - evaluation theory is found . finally according to the reality of highway network development in he nan province and shann xi province , their arterial highway network planning is evaluated with the the ory discussed in this paper , and the rationality and difference of the result is analyzed 本文在分析和總結一般項目建設后評價理論與方法的基礎上,結合公路網規劃的具體特點和內容,詳細論述了公路網規劃后評價的目的與含義,提出了公路網規劃后評價的總體理論框架;然后,按照前后對比的思想,運用模糊集值統計、增量法標定隸屬函數和多人層次分析法等數學手段,分別確定了公路網規劃后評價中發展預測后評價、規模測算后評價和建設實施安排后評價的評價指標、評價標準和評價方法,形成邏輯嚴密、體系完善和操作性很強的公路網規劃后評價理論;隨后,結合河南與陜西兩省的公路網規劃與建設實際,運用本文的理論對兩省的干線公路網規劃進行后評價,并對評價結果的合理性及其差異進行了分析。

The method of grey system theory is chose as chiefly predictive method in this thesis . on the base of the characteristics and applicative conditions of the method of grey system theory discussed , we think that the gplu , to great extent , is one kind of grey course which information is incompletely . therefore , the method of grey system theory can be used to predicate the quantity of land use 本論文選用灰色系統分析方法作為主要的預測和論證方法,通過探討灰色系統分析方法的特點及其應用的前提條件,我們認為土地利用規劃在很大程度上是一種信息不完全的灰色過程,可以選用灰色系統分析方法來探討用地預測的問題。

Firstly , the thesis introduces sip ’ s applicative background , function specialities , cooperating protocols . and based on the newest protocol specification , the thesis analyses its architecture , grammar , session call flow and expansibility in detail . after this , according to the software engineering “ s module developing principle , implement a standard protocol stack . then the thesis explain its core aspect : transaction layer , transaction user layer , and the interface between them 本文首先對sip的ngn應用背景,功能特點,搭配協議做了基本介紹,并以sip的最新協議標準rfc3261為依據,詳細分析了sip協議的框架結構,消息語法格式,會話呼叫流程,協議的開放擴展能力和基于sip協議的視頻會議通信模型。在此基礎上,按照軟件工程的模塊化開發原則,實現了符合協議標準的sip協議棧,并對該協議棧的核心:事務層和事務用戶層的狀態機變化圖以及層間事件接口作了詳細分析。

Both as the important applicative techniques of data warehouse , olap and data mining have notable differences . olap offers user a view of all angles in order to study the data deeply ; however , data mining analyzes the collecting data automatically , makes the including ratiocination and then helps the decision maker to adjust the strategy and to reduce the risk and gain the correct decision Olap和數據挖掘技術作為數據倉庫的兩項重要應用技術有所不同: olap技術可以為用戶提供多角度、快速、直觀的視圖,以便深入觀察數據;而數據挖掘技術高度自動化地分析企業收集的數據,做出歸納性的推理,從而幫助決策者調整策略,減少風險,做出正確的決策。

It aims to explain the reason that more and more countries transfer to announce and use the monetary policy framework . the main parts of the dissertation include the comparative research on monetary policy framework and the applicative analysis on inflation targeting . based on thus , the dissertation explores into the direction of chinese monetary policy 論文不是簡單的案例分析,也不是關于如何運用“通貨膨脹目標制度”的指南,論文集中于解釋越來越多的國家轉向“通貨膨脹目標制度”的理由,這包括各種貨幣政策框架的比較研究和“通貨膨脹目標制度”的適用性研究,在此基礎上,論文探索了中國貨幣政策可能的發展方向。

And so much , this paper investigated the structure and the coordinative mechanism with quantity methods , and the controlling framework on risk of no is given , which has theory and applicative value on the operation and management of no for enterprises in the environment of e - commerce 本文運用定量方法對網絡組織的結構特征和協調機制加以研究,提出了網絡組織運行風險的控制框架,具有一定的理論和應用價值,對電子商務環境下企業的運作和管理提供理論指導。

The paper is about the researches for application . ali of the applicative software and the attempts for new methods were expected to get more useful things , and may these can be some referenced values in engineering applications and practices 本論文屬應用性研究,所開發的應用軟件和對新的分析方法的嘗試,對圖象識別技術在工程中的應用起到了拋磚引玉的作用,并且對利用數字圖像處理技術在測控系統中實現工況監測、故障診斷等具有一定的參考價值。

Besides , the system can simultaneously monitor the real - time transmission condition of the audio and video packets , such as the loss and delay condition during the transmission in the lan , and apply some elementary solutions to it . so it is of a great applicative value 此外,該系統對音頻和視頻分組在以太網中傳輸中出現的丟失和延時等情況進行了實時監測和分析,并采取了一些初步的解決措施,因此具有廣泛的應用價值。

They will only be applicative talents , but not creative ones in the future . meanwhile , we are rather lack of the necessary research of this field , so we must work hardly on the theory field and cultivate more and more creative students 因此,我們要緊跟時代的步伐,心存緊迫感,努力研究創造性思維的理論,培養學生的創造性思維能力,提高我國青年一代的創新水平,為我國的社會主義現代化建設服務。

The applicative crops is the cucurbitaceous vegetables which seedling in nutritional bowl . it solves a difficult problem in vegetables “ grafting , therefore , has high value for use in vegetable production 該機器人針對的是采用營養缽育苗的葫蘆科蔬菜,實現了砧木苗在營養缽內無需拔苗即可直接的操作,有助于嫁接后苗的恢復,在生產中具有較高的實用價值。

This paper classified the archaeological information by time and space . its goal is to supply applicative measures to the master plan and other practice in the conservation of the onetime capitals of states of qi and lu 本文從時間上和空間上對這兩個大遺址的遺存情況進行了分類整理,旨在為兩個故城的保護規劃或其它保護工作的實踐提供盡可能適當的參考。