
application n.1.適用,應用;運用。2.申請,請求;申請表格。3....

“e“ glass was originally developed for electrical applications . “E”玻璃原先是為電氣應用研究出來的。

application blank

“e“ glass was originally developed for electrical applications . “E”玻璃原先是為電氣應用研究出來的。

It linked mathematics with a great variety of practical applications . 它把數學和許多實際應用聯系起來。

Others offer the possibility of more immediate practical application . 其它的可以在近期內付諸實實應用。

A quite important application of lasers is in holography . 激光的一個十分重要的用途是用在全息攝影方面。

In many applications a fluctuating dc current is undesirable . 在許多應用場合,波動的直流電是討厭的。

Job applications from disabled workers poured in at a staggering rate . 殘廢工人求職申請書大批涌來。

Boric acid is recommended for use either as a soil or spray application . 硼酸可供土壤施用或噴布用。

Lasers are finding increasing application in medical science . 在醫學上,激光得到日益增多的應用。

These findings have both theoretical and practical applications . 這些發現具有理論和實際的意義。

My application goes before the planning committee next week . 我的申請下星期提交計劃委員會審批。

The board are still working their way through the application forms . 委員會仍在審閱全部申請表。

It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed . 處理你的申請書也許要花幾個星期。

The applications are piling up now for that school . 要求進這個學校的申請書現在已經堆積如山了。

However the toxic properties of beryllium limit its application . 然而鈹的毒性限制了它的作用。

A wealth of benefits in clinical application lay before us . 臨床應用的碩果將展現在我們面前。

A list of new books will be sent on application to the publisher . 新書目錄,可向出版者函索。

Synchrotron radiation also has commercial application . 同步加速器輻射還有一些商業上的應用。

If you show application in your studies, you will succeed . 如果你在功課上努力,你就會成功。