
applicant n.請求人,申請人。 an applicant for ...


We had over 200 applicants for the sales job 我們的銷售職位有200多名申請人。

The applicant must be a permanent resident of hong kong 申請人須為香港永久居民。

Please comment on the applicant ' s travel plan 請對申請人之出外計劃予以評價。

C 4 recent photographs of the applicant passport size C申請人近照四幀護照尺寸

Are there any pre - requisites for applicants 參加此計劃需要符合什么特定條件?

30 persons applicants should be aged 16 or above 30人(參加者須年滿16歲或以上)

Details of the applicant s current status in china 申請人目前在中國的詳細情況

Applicants from other countries , please proceed to step2 其他國家的申請人請跳至

We ' ve had to turn down four applicants already 我們已經不得不回絕了四位申請人。

9 . employment details of applicant in country of origin 9 .申請人在祖國的雇用資料

She is one of two applicants for the job 有兩個人申請這份工作,她是其中之一。

Applicants should use the form vaf5 please see 申請者需使用申請表“表5 ” (詳見

Statement of sponsor s applicant s family background 擔保人申請人家庭狀況申報書

It is in this way that the applicant company acted 這正是原告公司的行事方法。

We keep a record of all the applicants on file 我們將所有的申請者都記錄入冊了。

I must tell you . spence , uh , there are applicants 我得告訴你,思朋斯呃,當申請人

The applicant s existing permanent identity card 申請人現有的永久性居民身份證;

Group applicants will be confirmed by letter 申請團體于約定日期前將獲函通知。

Are unsuccessful applicants notified of the result 有否記錄申請人的評審資料?