
applicable adj.1.(規則)可適用的,能應用的。2.合適的,適當...


Applicable part : the combined three finger - tips 可適用部份:組合的三個指尖。

Applicable for gangbao forming of all kinds of material 適用各種材質之港寶定型。

Job - related allowances applicable to the 適用于紀律部隊人員的與工作有關連津貼

This approach is very applicable to practice 該算法非常適合應用于實際問題。

Comply with the applicable privacy laws and regulations 遵守適用之私隱法律及規定

Specifies that policy be applicable at variable levels 指定策略應適用變量級別。

Applicable part : all combined five finger - tips 可適用部份:全部并攏的五個指尖。

Unit of choose and employ persons can ordinal applicable 用人單位只能依次適用。

Protocol from all applicable web services 下面的示例從所有適用的web服務中移除

All prices quoted include any service charges applicable 票價包括一定的服務費。

The applicable tqm strategy in the public sector 公共部門全面質量管理的應用策略

Bonus interest rate p . a . applicable to 1 - month time deposit 適用于1個月定期存款

High efficiency , top - grade , wide applicable range 混砂效率高質量好,適用范圍廣

5 , applicable for the drainage of air - port and freeway 5適用于機場高速公路排水

Research progress on novel coatings applicable to ship 涂料工業的現狀及發展趨勢

Purchase order or invoice number , if applicable 購買訂單或發票編號若有的話。

My view is that we have set forth an objective and certain modes of conduct applicable to the policies of each of our countries in the years ahead . 我認為,我們提出的目標和某些行動方式適用于我們各自國家今后的政策。

These heavy duty, truly elastomeric yarns are not widely applicable as stretch yarns and therefore are considered to be special end-use yarns . 這些重型的,真正彈性紗不如彈力絲應用廣泛,因此,被視為特殊用途紗線。

Certain management principles that are applicable now are even more necessary for survival and success in the twenty-first century . 現在所運用的一些管理原則甚至對二十一世紀的生存和成功是更為重要的。