
applicability n.適用性,應用性;適當。

Lc q14 : applicability of “ thin client “ technology 立法會十四題:輕量用戶端技術的應用


On the applicability of the maritime tort and collision problems and revising of the article 第268條和269條的修改

The institutional conditions and other issues of the applicability of keynesianism 凱恩斯主義適用的制度條件及其它

On the applicability of the mechanism of executive stock options in china 我國上市公司經理股票期權制的適用性分析

The applicability of bankruptcy law : businessman ' s bankruptcy or general bankruptcy 商人破產主義還是一般破產主義

On the judicial applicability of the eliminating rules to the illegal evidence 論非法證據排除規則的兩種立法模式

On the applicability of the honesty principle used in the law of civil evidence 論誠信原則在民事證據法中的適用

Moreover , this model is of universal applicability and transplantability 該模型還具有一定的通用性和可移植性。

The development and applicability of the quot; big five quot; personality model 人格結構模型的建立和適用性分析

So i have to think about the applicability of those two systems 進而引發了有關兩種救濟制度適用關系的思考。

Safe - fracture applicability of 14mnnbq steel for welded steel bridge components 鋼用于焊接橋梁的防斷適用性

The applicability of historical materialism in the era of globalization 歷史唯物主義在全球化時代的適用性

Study on applicability gc and gc ms techniques to estimation of drug origins 技術在毒品來源推斷中的應用

On the applicability of grammar - translation method in foreign teaching 論語法翻譯法的適用性及其存在價值

On the applicability of capm in china 在我國的適用性探討

Identification of diagnosis and therapy with malice and its law applicability 惡意診療的識別與法律適用

An applicability research concerning the modern credit risk metric model 現代信用風險度量模型的適用性

A research on applicability of evaluating methods of inviting bidding 如何做好醫療設備的招標采購工作

The applicability of sla theory to foreign language teaching in china 外語教學起始年齡問題與外語教學