
appleton n.阿普爾頓〔姓氏〕。

Although emotional eaters reported feeling more hurried , irritated , tired , tense , angry and fearful than non - emotional eaters , there was no difference in the overall effect of food on a person ' s mood once they had eaten , to the surprise of the study authors . “ we were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters , which would explain a means by which people become emotional eaters , “ dr . katherine appleton said 令研究者沒有想到的是,盡管同“非情緒化進食者“相比, “情緒化進食者“記錄中所記載的各種情緒,例如倉促急躁疲勞緊張憤怒和恐懼等等在程度上會比前者更甚,但是從整體上看,飲食對這兩種進食者在情緒上的影響大致是相同的。

“ we were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters , ( which would explain ) a means by which people become emotional eaters , “ dr . katherine appleton said 研究者之一,凱瑟琳?阿普爾頓博士說: “我們本來以為飲食對于情緒化進食者的影響會更大一些,可事實上大多人都會通過進食成為情緒化進食者的。

“ for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere especially for the discovery of the so - called appleton layer 高層大氣物理性質的研究,發現阿普頓層電離層


Although emotional eaters reported feeling more hurried , irritated , tired , tense , angry and fearful than non - emotional eaters , there was no difference in the overall effect of food on a person ' s mood once they had eaten , to the surprise of the study authors . “ we were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters , which would explain a means by which people become emotional eaters , “ dr . katherine appleton said 令研究者沒有想到的是,盡管同“非情緒化進食者“相比, “情緒化進食者“記錄中所記載的各種情緒,例如倉促急躁疲勞緊張憤怒和恐懼等等在程度上會比前者更甚,但是從整體上看,飲食對這兩種進食者在情緒上的影響大致是相同的。

“ we were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters , ( which would explain ) a means by which people become emotional eaters , “ dr . katherine appleton said 研究者之一,凱瑟琳?阿普爾頓博士說: “我們本來以為飲食對于情緒化進食者的影響會更大一些,可事實上大多人都會通過進食成為情緒化進食者的。

Music has no boundaries , bringing people of different ages and cultures together . us violinist rebecca appleton describes how she benefits from orchestral training and her recent exchange with young hong kong musicians 本地小提琴手楊曉嵐,最近首次參加國際青年音樂交流活動,與美國的樂手同臺演出,獲益良多。

The workshop was organised by the shanghai academy of space technology , the beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics , and the uk s rutherford appleton laboratory 該研討會由上海航天技術研究院,北京航空航天大學和英國盧瑟福- -阿普爾頓實驗室主辦。

Appleton , wis . - pets here will be breathing a little easier now that local rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designed for animals 美國威斯康星州阿普爾頓市的救援人員為動物們設計了一款氧氣面罩。這樣,寵物們在今后遇到火災等險情時呼吸就會更容易一些。

Myles r . allen of the rutherford appleton laboratory in didcot , england , and his colleagues took the first stab at quantifying the probability 位于英國底德科特的魯涉福德阿普頓實驗室的米勒斯? r ?艾倫和他的同事們初次嘗試了量化這一可能性。

Unlike edison ' s new york plant which used steam power to drive its generators , the appleton plant used the natural energy of the fox river 不同于愛迪生的紐約電廠用蒸汽來推動發電機,愛波頓發電廠使用狐貍河的自然能源來發電。

Six appleton fire trucks and 13 ambulances will be equipped with masks intended for use on dogs , cats and other small animals 阿普爾頓市的6輛消防車和13輛救護車將會配備這種適用于貓、狗和其它小動物的面罩。

Six appleton fire trucks and 13 ambulances will be equipped with masks intended for use on dogs , cats and other small animals 阿普爾頓市的6輛消防車和13輛救護車將會配備這種適用于貓狗和其它小動物的面罩。

“ for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere especially for the discovery of the so - called appleton layer 高層大氣物理性質的研究,發現阿普頓層電離層

Rutherford appleton laboratory 盧瑟福- -阿普爾頓實驗室

The nobel prize in physics 1947 : sir edward victor appleton 諾貝爾物理學獎-愛德華維克托阿普來頓爵士

Appleton ' s what , aut 70 miles 阿普爾頓什么,大約70英里嗎?

Emily appleton : you ' re a treasure hunter , aren ' t you 艾米麗?阿普爾頓:你是一個尋寶專家,不是嗎?

Somewhere within the vicinity of appleton lake 在阿普爾頓湖附近的某處