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apple polisher 〔美俚〕拍馬屁的人(尤指學生)。

apple polishing

She is a real apple polisher for the way she ' s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him 她是一個馬屁精,整天圍著老板眉來眼去的。

Apple polishers are a pain in the neck to conscientious teachers 對于有良心的教師,拍馬屁的學生實在討厭極了。

He was promoted very quickly because he is a real apple polisher 他升職升得很快,因為他是一個十足的馬屁精。

Mary is an apple polisher ; she will do anything for the boss 瑪麗是個馬屁精,老板叫她干啥她就干啥。

Dennis has always been an apple polisher 丹尼斯一直就是一個馬屁精。