
apple n.1.蘋果,蘋果樹。2.蘋果狀的東西。3.〔美俚〕(棒...

apple butter

I can just about reach the apples on the top branch . 我只差一點就能夠著最上邊樹枝上的蘋果。

You got to be a smart apple if you want to live big . 要想過闊氣日子沒有點機靈勁兒哪兒行呢?

He took a bite at the apple . 他咬了一口蘋果。

There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees . 這片桃樹中雜有幾棵蘋果樹。

Non-russet sprouts can arise from completely russet apples . 全銹蘋果中可能產生不銹芽變。

Cut the apple into quarters . 把蘋果切成四瓣兒。

The apple is rotten at the core . 這蘋果核爛了。

Peel an apple for the child . 給孩子削個蘋果吃。

It split the apple in half ! 箭把蘋果劈成了兩半!

He bought a lot of fruit such as apples and peaches . 他買了很多水果如蘋果、桃子等等。

The branches were bending down with the weight of the apples . 蘋果把樹枝墜得彎彎的。

Can you tell how many jin of apples there are in this heap ? 你估一估這堆蘋果有幾斤。

Ben stopped nibbing his apple . 本不再咬他的蘋果了。

Half of the apples are rotten . 蘋果中有半數是爛的。

This apple is rotten to the core . 這個蘋果爛透心了。

The largest and most delicious apples come from dalian . 最大最好吃的蘋果產于大連。

Sexual incompatibility is wide-spread in the apple . 性的不親合性在蘋果中很普遍。

He eats apple quickly and greedily . 他吃蘋果狼吞虎咽。

The black currant trees were the apple of joseph's eye . 這些果樹是約瑟夫的寶貝。