
appetizing adj.1.刺激食欲的。2.美味的。短語和例子the a...

appian way

When sharing the truth in mainland china in the earlier years , i had to travel to new locations every two or three days . i often carried my wet clothes , fresh from the laundry , to be dried at the next stop . although the vegetarian food prepared by fellow practitioners was rather primitive , insipid , and non - appetizing at the time , i was spiritually vitalized and felt constantly blessed by god s power 早期在大陸弘法期間,兩三天便換新地方工作,因此常帶著剛洗好濕淋淋的衣物到另一站曬乾當時同修煮的素菜較簡單乏味,引不起食欲,但我在精神方面卻始終充沛,感受到上帝的力量一直源源不絕地加持著。

After going about thirty paces , he smelt the appetizing odor of the kid that was roasting , and knew thus that he was passing the bivouac ; they then led him on about fifty paces farther , evidently advancing towards that part of the shore where they would not allow gaetano to go - a refusal he could now comprehend 走了二十多步左右,他就嗅到開胃的烤山羊香味,知道他正在經過露營的地點了,他們又領他向前走了五十步左右,顯然在向那個禁止蓋太諾走的方向前進,他現在才明白為什么不準他們在那兒露宿的原因了。

Visit the buddhist college , buddhist elementary school , the buddhist library , as well as over 70 other monuments within the holy ground . enjoy a deliciously prepared abalone meal at a chinese restaurant . after enjoying the appetizing lunch , head over to winery to once again stimulate your taste buds 抵達威尼斯一家悠久的中國餐廳,享受專為我們團友精心泡制鮑魚午餐,菜式包括原只蠔皇鮮鮑魚每位一只,鮮味無比還有鮑魚海鮮粥鮑魚燉湯,每一道菜都令人回味無窮。

Yunnan cuisine is not built around large portions of meat or fish , but with strips of meat and many pickled , sweet , or sour vegetables , which are especially appetizing when the weather is hot . renhe garden specialties include thin strips of pig ear , thin slices of beef dried with aromatic spices , pickled - bamboo - and - chicken soup , pickled bamboo fish , and fish covered in crumbled baked soybean 云南菜沒有大魚大肉,大多是微酸微甜的清爽小菜,例如大薄片牛肉干巴涼拌結頭,蕎頭肉末涼拌耳絲酸筍雞湯酸筍魚豆豉魚等在點心方面,牛奶凝固成片,入油鍋炸成乳扇層層軟q的破酥包子。

Hotel dining jinjiang hotel boasts a fine array of sichuan , cantonese , chaozhou , huaiyang , tanfu , xiang cuisine and hangzhou cuisine as well as appetizing food from around the world such as various western food , korean barbecue and japanese cuisine 錦食玉羹美饗八方錦江賓館囊括川菜粵菜潮洲菜淮揚菜譚府菜湘菜杭幫菜等八方美味以及各類西餐韓國燒烤日本料理等天下美食,傾力將飲食文化的深刻廣博推向審美的極致。

Byzantine restaurant : all - day casual international restaurant offering sumptuous buffet breakfast , an equally appetizing lunch and dinner with mediterranean and greek cuisine , as well as specialized theme nights 拜占庭式的餐館:全天營業的國際餐館,提供奢侈自助餐早餐,一頓同樣開胃的地中海和希臘風味的午餐和晚餐,并且提供專門題材夜晚。

In order to share with people many appetizing recipes and the ease of cooking vegetarian , over 400 complimentary copies of the video the art of vegetarian cooking : flavorful and nutritious cuisine 為了與大眾分享美味可口的素食食譜,讓他們了解素食烹飪的簡易性,我們贈送了四百多卷素食烹調之藝術:美味營養的料理錄影帶給與會來賓。

It s not because i am not hungry ! sometimes i don t eat anything all day long , and the first meal i eat still tastes like garbage , like nothing ; it tastes unattractive , not appetizing at all 我不知道為什么,不是因為我不餓,有時候我整天沒有吃東西,結果第一餐吃起來就覺得像垃圾,味如嚼蠟,一點也不吸引人引不起食欲。

Boston ( reuters life ! ) - dieters may find some welcome assistance from a new nasal spray that could help resist the appetizing aromas of cinnamon bun stands , pizza parlors or tempting bakeries 節食者們可找到一種受歡迎的鼻噴霧劑,從而抵御來自放肉桂面包的架子、匹薩店或引誘人的面包店的香氣的誘惑。

The product is spicy , delicious , fresh , easy to carry and eat , being very appetizing and refreshing , which serves as a good travel companion or a good gift for friends 攜帶方便,即開即食,可增強食欲,消除疲勞,振奮精神,是假日休閑、饋贈親友、出差旅途佐餐的好伴侶。

It is appetizing for fish and adjusts the cultured water color to better the culturing environment for the larva and also increases phytoplanton bloom . genchem black powder 黑粒仔嗜口性良好,是調節幼苗生存環境水色的理想產品,又可培養之藻類迅速成長。

Do not eat to him to so much snacks , to a few belts the fruit with appetizing acidity eats to him , if not be uncomfortable , never mind , need not worry 不要給那么多的零食給他吃,給一些帶酸味開胃的水果給他吃,假如不是不舒適就不要緊的,不用擔心

A concentrated furniture polish and cleaner designed to add luster and beauty while cleaning and presering the surface and appetizing 本品是濃縮型家具清潔上光乳劑,清潔、上光、保護、加香四合為一。

Some state - owned restaurants offer slow and rude service , less than appetizing food and appalling toilets 18有些國營飯館常慢吞吞待客,且態度粗魯,飯菜吃了要倒胃口,廁所的衛生狀況更是駭人聽聞。

Tips this home - cooked dish can help to nourish your skin . frying the tomatoes with eggs is just as appetizing 烹飪小貼士?這道家常菜有助于養顏。 ?如果不用蒸的,番茄也可以用來炒蛋,同樣開胃。

Hsuchou shaguo eaten with pancakes makes a really appetizing combination . shaguo crockpot dishes originated in northern jiangsu province 徐州啥鍋配單餅8子吃,比油條配咸豆漿滋味更好。

Rules of the game , click the left mouse button to the toilet into the singalong , and it took an appetizing line can be 游戲規則,點擊鼠標左鍵將廁所下水的上口和下口練成一條線即可。

All of our products are appetizing , and it is the best choice to give to our friends and relatives as a gift 本公司的產品風味獨特,是送禮給親朋好友的最佳選擇。

An arrogant posture and the shine of los angeles media have made bryant appetizing for public consumption 傲慢的姿態和洛杉磯媒體的閃耀讓科比吊足了公眾的胃口。