
appetizer n.1.開胃菜,開胃酒。2.刺激欲望的事物。短語和例子H...

I guess i can squeeze it in between the “ i dos “ and the appetizers 我像我可以在婚禮宣誓和宴會的間隙溜出來

“ . beginning with a succession of appetizers “從一系列開胃食品開始.


When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don ’ t quibble over the appetizers 當你和你的親近的朋友吵嘴時候,試著就事論事,不要扯出那些陳芝麻、爛谷子的事。

Send electronic postcards with images of all kinds of food and beverages , including desserts and appetizers -涵蓋中國十大菜系,菜肴的烹飪方法及飲食保健食療美容瘦身等專題

When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don ' t quibble over the appetizers 當你和你親近的人吵嘴的時候,試著就事論事,不要扯出那些陳芝麻、爛谷子的事。

A vegetable medley of sliced carrots , celery , and cucumber is a popular appetizer in the states 美國有一種受歡迎開胃小吃,就是包括了切片胡蘿卜、芹菜和小黃瓜的蔬菜拼盤。

When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don ' t quibble over the appetizers 當你和你的好朋友吵架時,試著就事論事,不要扯出那些陳芝麻,爛谷子的事。

Hifacs can promote digestion and prevent diarrhea . it is an ideal appetizer for larval shrimp and fish fry 對幼魚蝦苗是一種理想的誘引物,且可幫助消化及預防下痢。

Exciting new set lunch menus , which offer you a wide choice of appetizers , main courses and desserts 精心推出眾多午間套餐新品菜肴,開胃小菜,主菜及餐后甜點。

Monica : ( brings a plate of tiny appetizers over ) here you go , maybe this ' ll cheer you up (拿來了一碟很少的開胃菜)嘿,跟你說,也許這些可以讓你高興起來。

Waitress : it includes an appetizer , soup or salad , main course , dessert or beverage 服務生:它包括開胃菜、湯或沙拉、主菜、甜點或飲料。

Apart from the pursuit of the nobel dinner appetizers , but also the pursuit of cultural charm 諾貝爾晚宴除追求可口外,還追求文化韻味。

Fresh beef appetizer 生鮮牛肉

Fresh shrimp appetizer 生鮮蝦片

Phoenix appetizer plate 鳳凰大拼盤

Butterfly - shaped appetizer 蝴蝶冷盆

Use low - fat or fat - free versions of salad dressing or dips for appetizers 在開胃菜中可使用低脂或無脂的沙拉醬或是沾醬。

Appetizers . skipper , any damage this is gonna do to my wellness , 開胃食物來了.竹刀魚,無論這個會對我的健康有什么損害,

Enjoy as appetizer , or as companion with fish , sea food and light meat 作為餐前酒或者是配合魚,海鮮和白肉尤為適宜。