
appetite n.1.欲望,(特指)胃口,食欲。2.嗜好,愛好。短語和...


The odour of food may be a trigger for man ' s appetite 食物的香味能引起人的食欲。

Don ' t eat the cake , or you ' ll spoil your appetite 別吃蛋糕了,不然你會沒食欲的。

Control appetite . overindulgence clogs body and mind 控制食欲。暴飲暴食阻塞身心。

His appetite lessens as his illness progresses 隨著病情的加重,他的食欲下降了。

Famous chef s skills , so that your appetite big move 名廚超技藝,令你食欲大動。

It all began with working up an appetite 我們的胃口都歸因于一些體力消耗的活動。

To my surprise , he had a famous appetite 讓我感到驚訝的是,他有著極好的胃口。

Any other complaints ? how is your appetite 還有其他的不舒服嗎?你的食欲怎樣?

She had no appetite and only picked at the food 她沒有胃口,祗小啄了一點食物。

The stress leveled her appetite , memory and sleep 這種壓力讓額爾維恩寢食難安。

- oh , one thing rose always had was a great appetite , - 羅絲總是有驚人的欲望. .

Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs to the gusty appetites of mark twain or whitman . 批評家們喜歡攻擊他們在飲食上過于揮霍,彼此互相標榜,還拿他們文學上的細膩作風和馬克吐溫與惠特曼的風格相對比。

Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cozy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of twain or whitman . 批評家們喜歡攻擊他們在飲食上過于揮霍,彼此互相標榜,還拿他們文學上的細膩作風和馬克吐溫與惠特曼豪放的風格相對比。

I slept sound and awoke refreshed, and had no feelings except appetite to grapple with whatever the morning's boxes might bring . 我睡得很香,醒來神志清爽,沒有什么不適感覺,胃口很好,把早上送來的早點盒里的東西,不管什么全狼吞虎咽吃掉。

One of his colleagues had once complained that bethune's zest for action overshadowed his appetite for study . 有一個同事曾這樣批評白求恩,說他對于行動的熱情壓倒了他對于研究的興趣。

Living in a rural community he would have a better chance in the struggle with the appetite that was destroying him . 生活在鄉村社會中,他可能有較好的機運來和正在毀滅他的嗜好搏斗。

They supplied me as fast as they could, showing a thousand marks of wonder and astonishment at my bulk and appetite . 他們盡快地供應,對我的身軀和食量表現了萬分驚訝。

A spirited young fellow, with a good appetite for the best of everything had so poor an outlook . 一個生氣勃勃的年輕人,滿心想得到一切最美好的事物,前途卻如此渺茫。

He had plenty of talk for the others and he appeared to eat his luncheon with discrimination and appetite . 他跟別人談笑風生,而且好象吃得津津有味,胃口很好。