
appetence n.1.強烈的欲望。2.本能的傾向,習性。3.【化學】親...


People will be moderate in seeing something at present , then have the motivation of improving and being good basis on the appetence of departing from the sufferings and getting close to the happiness , and seeking for high achievements by the guidance of education 人們基于離苦得樂的本能欲求,加上教育的引導,為求高遠的成就,便會節制只知眼前的種種短視行為,生起向上、向善的動機。

The appetence of human , the tendency of leisure , the requirement of communication and the realistic difficulties make it a realistic necessity of constructing the “ sittable city ” 人性的本能需要、休閑的趨勢、交往的必要和現實的困境都使得塑造“可坐城市”成為現實的必要。

General appetence : heavy squarish built with not too long legs , almost short compared to the body , heavy boned short thick neck with thick mane like coat [通常外觀:非常強壯的近似于方型的體格;非長腿, (長度)與身體大致匹配;骨量大,短而粗壯的脖頸,上面被有濃密的鬃毛