
appertain vi.屬于;和…有關 (to)。 a house and...

“ will it not be advisable , before we proceed on this subject , to arrange with rather more precision the degree of importance which is to appertain to this request , as well as the degree of intimacy subsisting between the parties ? “我們且慢討論這個問題,不妨先仔仔細細研究一下,那個朋友提出的要求究竟重要到什么程度,他們兩個人的交情又深到什么程度,這樣好不好? ”

“ will it not be advisable , before we proceed on this subject , to arrange with rather more precision the degree of importance which is to appertain to this request , as well as the degree of intimacy subsisting between the parties ? “我們且慢討論這個問題,不妨先仔仔細細研究一下,那個朋友提出的要求究竟重要到什么程度,他們兩個人的交情又深到什么程度,這樣好不好? ”


The duties of the president shall be to preside at meetings of the members , of the board of directors , and any meeting in which the board participates , to countersign all cheques , notes , drafts , and other orders for the disbursement of funds of the credit union , and shall perform such other duties as customarily appertain to the office of president or as he may be directed to perform by resolution of the board of directors , not inconsistent with the ordinance and these bylaws 社長:社長為社員大會主席,董事會議主席及董事會參予之會議之主席。凡本社支票、票據、支款單據均須由社長副署。社長須負責推行與其職位有關之其他未列任務及實施符合法例與章程之董事決議。

Zhaoqing city appertains to the subtropical zone and the tropic of cancer passes across it . the landforms in zhaoqing are various , including mountains , mounds , plains , rivers , and lakes , zhaoqing city is blessed with mild weather , ample sunlight , abundant rainfall , and fertile land and has rich product resources 肇慶市具有山地、丘陵、平原、河流、湖泊等多種地貌,屬于亞熱帶地區,北回歸線橫穿全境,氣候溫和,陽光充足,雨量充沛,土地肥沃,特產淘汰十分豐富。

Close under the eaves of the stack , and as yet barely visible , was the red tyrant that the women had come to serve - a timber - framed construction , with straps and wheels appertaining - the threshing - machine which , whilst it was going , kept up a despotic demand upon the endurance of their muscles and nerves 在靠近麥垛檐子下面的地方,當時在朦朧中可以看見那些女工們前來伺候的紅色暴君一個裝著皮帶和輪子的木頭架子當這個打麥子的機器開動的時候,它就要對她們肌肉和神經的忍耐力提出暴虐的要求了。

Conning for an hour in the british museum the pages of works devoted to extinct , half extinct , obscured , and ruined families appertaining to the quarter of england in which he proposed to settle , he considered that d urberville looked and sounded as well as any of them : and d urberville accordingly was annexed to his own name for himself and his heirs eternally 他在大英博物館里找到那些記載英國南部他計劃移居地方的已經滅絕半滅絕和破產家族的文獻,仔細地查找了一個小時,最后認為德貝維爾這個姓看起來和聽起來比其它任何一個姓都不會差:因此德貝維爾就被加到了他自己的姓上,為他自己和他的世代子孫所用了。

It was enough that in yonder closet , opposite my dressing - table , garments said to be hers had already displaced my black stuff lowood frock and straw bonnet : for not to me appertained that suit of wedding raiment ; the pearl - coloured robe , the vapoury veil pendent from the usurped portmanteau 在我梳妝臺對面的衣柜里,一些據說是她的衣物,已經取代了她羅沃德的黑呢上衣和草帽。這已經是足夠的了,因為那套婚禮服,以及垂掛在臨時占用的鉤子上的珠白色長袍和簿霧似的面紗,本不屬于她的。

Abstract : this paper , by the consolidated method of history and logic , summarized the process of technological formation and development , and analysed the concrete configuration and its dialectic appertain of technological lengthways and landscape movement from lengthways and landscape orientations 文摘:本文運用歷史與邏輯相統一的方法,概述了技術形成與發展歷程,從縱、橫兩個維度分析了技術縱向運動與橫向運動的具體形態及其辯證關系。

“ will it not be advisable , before we proceed on this subject , to arrange with rather more precision the degree of importance which is to appertain to this request , as well as the degree of intimacy subsisting between the parties ? “我們且慢討論這個問題,不妨先仔仔細細研究一下,那個朋友提出的要求究竟重要到什么程度,他們兩個人的交情又深到什么程度,這樣好不好? ”

“ will it not be advisable , before we proceed on this subject , to arrange with rather more precision the degree of importance which is to appertain to this request , as well as the degree of intimacy subsisting between the parties ? “我們且慢討論這個問題,不妨先仔仔細細研究一下,那個朋友提出的要求究竟重要到什么程度,他們兩個人的交情又深到什么程度,這樣好不好? ”

But if the lord make a new thing , and the earth open her mouth , and swallow them up , with all that appertain unto them , and they go down quick into the pit ; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the lord 倘若耶和華創作一件新事,使地開口,把他們和一切屬他們的都吞下去,叫他們活活地墜落陰間,你們就明白這些人是藐視耶和華了。

To everything appertaining to her husbands intellectual , abstract pursuits , she ascribed immense consequence , though she had no understanding of them , and she was always in dread of being a hindrance to her husband in such matters 盡管她對丈夫所從事的抽象的腦力勞動一竅不通,但她還是很重視他的專業工作,唯恐對丈夫的工作有所妨礙。

The nativities of women in matters appertaining to life , are like those of men , but as to fortune , wholly unlike , and touching manners , after a middle kind , neither wholly agreeable , nor wholly contrary 女性命盤在命運分析方面與男性相同,但在財富方面完全不同,對于舉止、生活方式則是在一定程度上相同。

The dairyman , who had thrown himself into abstraction to better realize the taste , and so divine the particular species of noxious weed to which it appertained , suddenly exclaimed - 奶牛場老板聚精會神地在那兒品味著黃油的味道,想分辨出造成這種怪異味道的是一種什么莠草,過了一會兒他突然大聲說

But for such a big market , there is no independent price ' s management system for building price ' s which usually appertains to infrastructure expense management 面對如此大的建筑產品市場,我國的建筑產品價格卻沒有自己獨立的價格管理體系,而是從屬于基本建設投資費用管理。

They , and all that appertained to them , went down alive into the pit , and the earth closed upon them : and they perished from among the congregation 33這樣,他們和一切屬他們的,都活活地墜落陰間。地口在他們上頭照舊合閉,他們就從會中滅亡。

And the earth opened her mouth , and swallowed them up , and their houses , and all the men that appertained unto korah , and all their goods 這樣,他們和一切屬他們的,都活活地墜落陰間。地口在他們上頭照舊合閉,他們就從會中滅亡。

To escape the past and all that appertained thereto was to annihilate it , and to do that she would have to get away 逃避過去和逃避跟過去有關的一切,就是要把過去和過去的一切消除掉,要做到這一點,她就一定得離開這里。

Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name “ mr . james dillingham young ” 那里還貼著一張名片,上面寫著“杰姆斯.狄林漢.楊先生”幾個字。