
apperception n.1.【哲學】統覺;明覺(作用)。2.【心理學】借助老...

The studies of chinese subject rely on autodidacts “ self - apperception , which had indicated that the new curricular standard has an emphasis on the special feeling and general apperception of students , however , the education of apperception during teaching practice was n ' t attached importance to 漢語文的學習要靠學習者的“自我感悟” ,這已為千百年來的學習實踐所證明。新的語文課程標準也特別強調,語文學習要注重學生的獨特感受和整體感悟。但學生感悟能力的培養在教學實踐中并未引起足夠的重視。

The apperception is special , affective and unexpected . the second part refers to the scientific cause , significance and principal of the education of the students “ ability to apperceive 感悟具有獨創性、情感性和突發性三個特點第二部分是學生感悟能力培養的依據、意義及原則。

The better students “ apperception will affect the quality of teaching and the result of study . so i think it is significant to emphasize on the ability to apperceive 筆者認為,學生感悟能力的高低直接影響到教學質量和學習效果,重視學生感悟能力的培養具有重要意義。

Fostering students “ apperception can adopt the following measures . first , deduce students to master knowledge extensively in order to accumulate and drive apperception 學生感悟能力的培養可以采取以下主要措施:一是引導學生廣泛獵取知識,以積累帶動感悟。

In the modern education , making a point of teaching the students “ apperception is feasible and of great meaning 在現代教育的大背景下,重視在語文教學中學生感悟能力的培養既具有可行性,更具有重要意義。

Third , think of questions carefully and deepen apperception . teacher should accelerate students “ thinking 會思是學好語文的必備條件,教師要想法促進學生的思維。


This paper begin with visual apperception , the expression of architecture symbol and identification of the environment , from the visual effect of detailed construction specific , road sight , virescence , environment opusculum and so on , materialize the solicitude for human from minute aspects through identification of circumstance and expression of construction signals to form favorable visual sight 文章從視覺感知、建筑符號的表達、環境的可識別性開始,通過對具體內容,如居住建筑細部、道路景觀、綠化布置、環境小品等的視覺效果研究,從細部體現對人的關懷,形成人性化的視覺景觀體系。

The studies of chinese subject rely on autodidacts “ self - apperception , which had indicated that the new curricular standard has an emphasis on the special feeling and general apperception of students , however , the education of apperception during teaching practice was n ' t attached importance to 漢語文的學習要靠學習者的“自我感悟” ,這已為千百年來的學習實踐所證明。新的語文課程標準也特別強調,語文學習要注重學生的獨特感受和整體感悟。但學生感悟能力的培養在教學實踐中并未引起足夠的重視。

The meanings of kant ' s conception of understanding embody at three levels : ( 1 ) the understanding in the general sense , referring to the whole higher faculty of cognition used in the fields of theory , practice and taste , including general understanding , power of judgment and reason ; ( 2 ) the understanding in the comparatively narrow sense , referring to the theoretical reason or the speculative reason , including narrow understanding , power of judgment and reason used in the field of theory ; ( 3 ) the understanding in the narrowest sense , referring to transcendental self - consciousness or pure apperception 摘要康德知性概念的含義體現在三個層次: ( 1 )廣義的知性,指廣泛運用于理論、實踐、甚至審美領域的整個高級認識能力,包括(廣義的)知性、判斷力和理性; ( 2 )較狹義的知性,指理論性或思辨理性,包括理論運用中的狹義的知性、判斷力和理性; ( 3 )最狹義的知性,指先驗自我意識或純粹統覺。

This paper analyses the source of the creative inspiration of the artist , reveals the mental course through which the artist creats a painting , including how the cource starts from the perception of the nature , then develops to the blend of the nature and his or herown feelings , and finally goes through the apperception process 摘要通過對畫家創作一幅畫靈感來源的分析,揭示作畫者在作畫之前和作畫過程中,怎么樣由對外部自然的感知,發展到內在情感的融入,最終經過“悟”的思想熔鑄創作一幅畫的心理過程。

According to the theory of contemporary aesthetics , this dissertation concluded the feels of neo - high - tech architecture as three parts : apperceive feeling , imagine feeling and comprehend feeling . apperception , imagination and comprehension are the access to aesthetic feelings as well as the levels architects should approach 本論文在當代審美心理學的總體理論框架下,按著審美情感產生的因素和層次,將新高技美建筑的情感屬性歸結為三大部分,即感知性情感、想象性情感和理解性情感。

Moreover , the thesis analyses the necessity and scientificity of classifying the staff to knowledge worker and non - knowledge worker from the character of this two kinds of staff , and the existing theory localization of job stress and management . secondly , researches the knowledge worker and non - knowledge worker , obtains the new data by questionnaire , analyses the job stressor of these two kinds of stuff in china organization and the character of their pressure reaction , compares the differences of their apperception to the job stressor and the reaction to pressure provocation by analyses of correlation and analyses of regression . thirdly , according to the result of demonstration research , analyzes the character of job stress of the knowledge worker and non - knowledge worke , indicates the primary and subordinate work pressure of these two kinds of staff presently in our country 。 fourthly , aiming at the character of work pressure of these two kinds of staff , brings forward the principles of pressure management on organization lay , and the prompting management strategy in order to forming positive pressure as well as the controlling management strategy in order to preventing or removing or minishing negative pressure 具體的研究工作如下:一、概述了知識員工、非知識員工以及工作壓力的相關理論,并從知識員工與非知識員工的工作特征和現有的工作壓力及管理理論的局限性入手,分析了在我國工作壓力及管理領域中,將員工分為知識型與非知識型兩大類來進行研究的必要性和科學性;二、以我國企、事業單位中的知識員工與非知識員工為調查對象,通過問卷方式獲取新鮮數據,并通過數理統計方法分析目前我國這兩類員工群體所面臨的壓力源及其壓力反應的特點,通過相關分析和回歸分析比較他們對工作壓力源的感知、對壓力刺激的反應的差異;三、根據實證研究結果,分析知識員工與非知識員工的工作壓力特點,分別指出目前我國組織中這兩類員工所承擔的主要、次要工作壓力;四、針對這兩類員工的工作壓力特點,從組織層面提出了壓力管理的原則、旨在形成積極壓力的激勵管理策略,以及能起到預防、消除或者減小消極工作壓力作用的控制管理策略。

Total bureau of wu of tax of state of ministry of finance informs money of duty with what perfect consumption tax policy about adjusting [ 2006 ] 33 date 3 , send about cancelling tax items to cancel to protect skin taste tax items , will belong to formerly protect skin send the high - grade apperception protecting skin that tastes levy limits makeup article include cosmetic tax items 財政部國家稅務總局關于調整和完善消費稅政策的通知財稅[ 2006 ] 33號三、關于取消稅目取消護膚護發品稅目,將原屬于護膚護發品征稅范圍的高檔護膚類化妝品列入化妝品稅目。

By and large , apperception is a mental process of the reader in the reading . it includes the apperception of the materials and the thinking and discovery caused by it . it also shows the active reading , thus a bridge between writer and reader “感悟”就是閱讀主體在閱讀過程中發生的一種心理過程,它包含了對文章材料的感知和由此引起的思維和發現,是主動讀書的具體體現,是溝通作者與讀者的橋梁。

The education of apperception should obey these rules such as activity , equality , enlightenment , and sensibility . students are active . teachers should make use of their active , creative character and students can develop 學生在教學活動中處于主體地位,是學習的主體,教師只有尊重學生的自主性、能動性和創造性,充分發揮學生主動性、積極性和創造性,學生才能很好地發展。

3 . discussion on the deep relationship between customer faith and service quality , by analysis of the value composition of the customer faith , pointing out that customer faith is helpful to the improvement of customer apperception service quality 第三章探討顧客忠誠與服務質量的深層聯系,通過分析顧客忠誠的價值構成,指出顧客忠誠有助于提高顧客感知服務質量。

The main strategies used in solving maths problems are aim strategies , apperception strategies , model identifying strategies , problem transforming strategies , specializing strategies , reverse thinking strategies and unitariness strategies 數學問題解決的策略主要有:目標策略、知覺策略、模式識別策略、問題轉化策略、特殊化策略、正難則反策略、整體化策略。

Analysized by the angle of composing , the tour image of henan can be classified into three categories , raw apperception image , decision - making apperception image , practical apperception image 從受眾對河南旅游形象認知層面分析,河南旅游形象從總體上可以分為原始感知形象、決策感知形象和實際感知形象三個形象層。

Those who love this dao should have profound apperception on chinese culture , and magnificent pursuing to sword . although she has shortcoming , she shows the most beautiful culture inside sword 相中此刀的人應對中國文化有著深刻的領悟,對刀劍存有高尚的追求,盡管她的美存在著缺憾,但展示了美的刀劍中至美的文化。