
apperceive vt.1.【心理學】(借助老經驗來)闡明(新概念)。2....

Under the direct of the new theory , this article want to think much of the mental operation and speech operation and the apperceive , comprehension , experience till the activity rule of creativity and the character of the students in their reading activity . this article want to expand the students “ verbal skill training domain , and conceive reading mental skill training mode to let the students master the systemic knowledge about reading 本文試圖在最新理論的指導下,重視學生閱讀活動中的心智運作和言語操作,重視學生在閱讀過程中的感知、理解、體驗以至于創造的活動規律和個性特點,努力拓展語文言語技能訓練的領域,構建閱讀心智技能訓練模式,以期讓學生掌握有關閱讀的程序性知識。

Beginning with the interpretation and analyzing carefully the agitation of the emotion as dim as fantasy in the painting dream record , abundant combination of apperceiving ideas , and its artistic creation of the “ only language body “ with implicit , concise and delicate words , one can find out the unipue artistic nature of symbolizing proses 從文本的解讀入手,細致剖析《畫夢錄》的夢幻式朦朧情感的波動、豐富的感知意象的組合和含蓄、凝練、精致的語言的“獨語體”藝術創造,可以發現其“象征散文”的獨特藝術本質。

So in mathematic teaching of the middle school , the teachers must pay alien lion to lnatlieinalic thinking process teaching , behaves that teachers ignore oppress students “ thinking process of mathematic ; some teachers adopt the in pouring teaching arid the tactics of many as apperceiving and reagnition . moreover , some teachers regard the thinking of mathematic as formal logic thinking . so ignore dialectic and developmental thinking from holistic understanding to problem 因此,在中學數學教學中,教師必須注重學生的數學思維過程及其培養,然而實際教學的缺陷之一,卻恰好表現為忽視或壓抑學生的數學思維過程:有的教師采用注入式和題海戰術,把數學的學習僅僅看成感知和再認;有的教師把數學思維活動僅僅看作形式邏輯思維,而忽視了從整體看問題的辯證的、發展的思維活動。

The ability to apperceive refers to students “ ability to analyze and comprehend , which is good thinking quality including the ability to apperceive , cognize and deduce 感悟能力就是指學生對事物的分析和理解的能力,是一種優良的思維品質,它包含形象的感知、理性的認識和邏輯的推導等能力。

The apperception is special , affective and unexpected . the second part refers to the scientific cause , significance and principal of the education of the students “ ability to apperceive 感悟具有獨創性、情感性和突發性三個特點第二部分是學生感悟能力培養的依據、意義及原則。

The better students “ apperception will affect the quality of teaching and the result of study . so i think it is significant to emphasize on the ability to apperceive 筆者認為,學生感悟能力的高低直接影響到教學質量和學習效果,重視學生感悟能力的培養具有重要意義。

The third part concerns the concrete maneuver of the education of the students “ ability to apperceive 第三部分是學生感悟能力培養的基本措施。


In various speech character parameters , formant frequency , bandwidth and pitch frequency are chosen as voice character parameters . the reasons are as follows : hearing apperceive experiments indicates that formant frequency can stand for a majority of voice information , while average pitch frequency can explain 55 % ability of speaker verification 數據結果與多項式回歸和線性多變量回歸相比,支持向量回歸既提高了泛化性能又避免了頻譜不連續性,從而使轉換語音與目標語音的頻譜距離失真分別減少了33 . 29 %和35 . 24 % 。

Under the direct of the new theory , this article want to think much of the mental operation and speech operation and the apperceive , comprehension , experience till the activity rule of creativity and the character of the students in their reading activity . this article want to expand the students “ verbal skill training domain , and conceive reading mental skill training mode to let the students master the systemic knowledge about reading 本文試圖在最新理論的指導下,重視學生閱讀活動中的心智運作和言語操作,重視學生在閱讀過程中的感知、理解、體驗以至于創造的活動規律和個性特點,努力拓展語文言語技能訓練的領域,構建閱讀心智技能訓練模式,以期讓學生掌握有關閱讀的程序性知識。

With different mode of visualization ( including 3d , 2d ) to show space and space targets ’ state , which realize the imitate of space targets and real third dimension display and analysis of space targets , is the most efficient way to help people understand space , apperceive space and utlize space 空間目標可視化系統是空間監視的一個重要組成部分,以多種可視化形式(三維,二維)展現空間目標狀態、空間態勢,實現空間目標的仿真與高度真實感顯示與分析,是輔助人們了解空間、感知空間繼而認識和利用空間的最有效手段。

Wireless sensor network ( wsn ) is a new - type network which involves sensor technology , embedded computing technology , distributed information technology and wireless communication technology . wsn can monitor , apperceive and collect all kinds of information about environment and monitored things in the network - distributed field . it can get detailed and accurate information after gathering original information , then transmit it to user 無線傳感器網絡( wsn , wirelesssensornetwork )是綜合了傳感器技術、嵌入式計算技術、分布式信息技術和無線通信技術的一種新型的網絡,它能夠協作地實時監測、感知和采集網絡分布區域內的各種環境或監測對象的信息,并對這些采集到的原始信息進行處理,獲得詳盡而準確的信息,然后將它們傳送給用戶。

Beginning with the interpretation and analyzing carefully the agitation of the emotion as dim as fantasy in the painting dream record , abundant combination of apperceiving ideas , and its artistic creation of the “ only language body “ with implicit , concise and delicate words , one can find out the unipue artistic nature of symbolizing proses 從文本的解讀入手,細致剖析《畫夢錄》的夢幻式朦朧情感的波動、豐富的感知意象的組合和含蓄、凝練、精致的語言的“獨語體”藝術創造,可以發現其“象征散文”的獨特藝術本質。

Then the roles and prospects of image fusion in virtual - reality application based on pc are analyzed . following the possibility and necessary analysis , the major research missions and expected targets are constructed . according to the deficiency of image fusion applications in entertainment equipments , such as no special research that combines virtual reality , self - control photographing , computer vision and image fusion technologies together , we propose an image fusion algorithm base on character of apperceiving contrast , which take system elements into account , e . g 鑒于目前對圖像融合技術在娛樂領域的應用缺乏研究,尤其缺乏將虛擬現實技術、自助照相技術、機器視覺技術和圖像融合技術綜合運用的分析研究,因此我們從分析人類視覺特征入手,運用系統的觀念綜合平衡圖像質量、系統成本等技術指標,在對虛擬實時自助照相系統具體技術指標深入分析的基礎上,提出了基于對比度感知特征( characterofapperceivingcontrast )的圖像融合算法。

The author himself has been experiencing the turbulence of chinese securities market , and has the same feeling of greed of human beings in securities market with the minority investors , and has apperceived the impact on law especially civil and commercial law imposed by the concept of right - orientation and the principle of good faith , so it is natural that the author chooses the civil liability of securities fraud to be the topic of his graduation thesis 我國證券立法尚未形成規制證券市場欺詐行為的民事法律責任體系,實務當中也是以種種站不住腳的理由漠視廣大中小投資者合法權益被肆意侵犯。作者親身體驗了中國證券市場的動蕩,并對通過證券市場表現出來的人性貪婪的一面與弱勢投資者感同身受,加之數年受法律尤其是民商法權利本位、誠實信用觀念的沖擊,于是有了本文便是自然而然的事情了。

Through identifying better and apperceiving earlier organizational politics behaviors , in order to reduce all sorts of kickbacks to nadir , in our research according to ferris organizational politics perception model , combining the practice of key disciplines of the university , based on integrated , scientific , objective , precise , measurable principle , we construct cause and effect model of knowledge - intensive organizational politics perception 為了更好的識別和盡早感知組織政治行為,將其給組織帶來的種種不良后果減少至最低,本研究參照ferris組織政治知覺模型,并結合我國大學重點學科的實際,依據完整性、科學性、客觀性、精確性、可測性原則,構建了知識密集性組織組織政治知覺前因及后果模型。

The people can apperceive the virtual environment of 3d simulated model developed by computers , carry the nc process of parts in virtual condition before the true doing when we design or alter a project , inspect the exactitude and justification of nc program , evaluate and optimize the project of process . thereby the intention , abridging the time of developing products , depressing the cost of manufacture , advancing the quality of products and the efficiency of production , can be finally achieved 人能夠憑直覺感知計算機產生的三維仿真模型的虛擬環境,在設計新的方案或更改方案時能夠在真實制造之前在虛擬環境中進行零件的數控加工,檢查數控程序的正確性、合理性,對加工方案的優劣做出評估與優化,從而最終達到縮短產品開發周期、降低生產成本、提高產品質量和生產效率的目的。

The relaxed definition of ecs ( embedded computer system ) is a device that includes a programming calculator . wearable computer is a specify example of ecs that has lots of characteristics , such as wearability , mobility , durability and new mutual mode of man - machine . those characteristics make the system provide the consumers the service of reminding , apperceiving , and measuring the environment and communicating with high effectiveness 嵌入式計算機系統不嚴格的說就是任意包含一個可編程計算機的設備,可穿戴計算機系統是嵌入式計算機系統的一種應用特例,是具有可穿戴性、可移動性、使用持續性和全新的人機交互方式,可以與使用者緊密結合,提高使用者的工作能力,提供給使用者協助、提醒、感知和測量環境、通信等服務的嵌入式系統。

So in mathematic teaching of the middle school , the teachers must pay alien lion to lnatlieinalic thinking process teaching , behaves that teachers ignore oppress students “ thinking process of mathematic ; some teachers adopt the in pouring teaching arid the tactics of many as apperceiving and reagnition . moreover , some teachers regard the thinking of mathematic as formal logic thinking . so ignore dialectic and developmental thinking from holistic understanding to problem 因此,在中學數學教學中,教師必須注重學生的數學思維過程及其培養,然而實際教學的缺陷之一,卻恰好表現為忽視或壓抑學生的數學思維過程:有的教師采用注入式和題海戰術,把數學的學習僅僅看成感知和再認;有的教師把數學思維活動僅僅看作形式邏輯思維,而忽視了從整體看問題的辯證的、發展的思維活動。

Data mining which is a full - scale intellectualized solution , makes enterprises apperceive the thing hypostases deeply , provides support for decision - making , and affords the customer intelligence service of deep levels more effective market activities , wins the higher income for enterprise 數據挖掘是一個全面的智能化解決方案,使企業深入洞察事務的本質,并為決策提供支持,提供深層次的客戶智能服務、更有效的市場活動,為企業贏得更高收入。