
appendix n.(pl. appendixes; -dices )....


Appendix 2 flowcharts of the monitoring mechanism 附錄二監管機制流程圖

How is a species listed on the appendices 怎樣把物種列入華約附錄內?

Disc 4 : the appendices part six - th . . 收錄4段導演編劇等幕后人員總長度1000分鐘隨? .

Appendix a : master test plan according to rup and tmap 附錄a :按照rup和tmap的主測試計劃

As an appendix , i offer concrete policy recommendations 在附錄,我提供具體的政策建言。

Humphead wrasse listed on appendix ii of cites convention 蘇眉列入華盛頓公約附錄二中

See the appendices for links to the dtds 請參見附錄以獲得這些dtd的鏈接。

Fiction films : 1942 - 1949 appendix i : documentary films 附錄一:紀錄片片目

The appendix contains the research index ofwu xing 正文附有《五行篇》研究論著索引。

Appendix : driving test centre - address and telephone number 附:駕駛考試中心地址電話

By completing the appendix to the tax return individuals 填寫報稅表個別人士夾附的附錄

Appendix 1 five - year strategic plan of erb 附錄一雇員再培訓局五年發展策略

See the console appendix for more information 詳細信息請參見控制臺附錄。

Appendix 1 three - year strategic plan of erb 附錄一雇員再培訓局三年發展策略

Then he dictated an appendix to the testament 然后他口述了一份遺囑的附錄

I had my appendix removed in order to run faster 為了跑得更快點兒,我把闌尾都割了。

Appendix 1 3 - year strategic plan of the erb 附錄一雇員再培訓局三年發展策略

Disc 3 : the appendices part five - the war of the ring Disc 3 4額外收錄:魔戒圣戰

If you come across such cases , please fill in appendix i 如遇此等個案,請填妥附錄i