
appendicitis n.【醫學】闌尾炎。


Clinically , the patients who appeared to be suffering from appendicitis were referred directly to a surgeon for further treatment 臨床上像是闌尾炎之病人,直接會診外科醫師處理。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 劇烈的胃疼可能是盲腸炎的征兆。胸腔或背部的劇烈疼痛可能是突發心臟病。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 劇烈的胃痛是闌尾炎的信號。劇烈的胸或后背疼痛則可能是心臟病的信號。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 嚴重的胃痛可能是闌尾炎的信號。而胸部或背部劇痛也許是心臟病的預警。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 劇烈的胃痛可能是闌尾炎的癥狀。劇烈的胸部或者背部疼痛可能是心臟病。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 嚴重的胃痛可能是盲腸炎的征兆。劇烈的胸部或背部疼痛可能使心臟問題。

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 嚴重的胃痛可能是盲腸炎的征兆。嚴重的胸口痛或背痛以為著有心臟病。

Modified decoction of radix et rhizoma rhei and cortex moutan radicis in the treatment of 30 patients with acute simple appendicitis 大黃牡丹湯加味治療急性單純性闌尾炎30例

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 嚴重的胃痛可能.闌尾炎的征兆,嚴重的胸或背疼可能是心臟病的信號

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 劇烈的胃痛是急性闌尾炎的信號.前胸后背的劇痛可能是心臟病征兆

Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . severe chest or back pain could signal a heart attack 胃疼可能是闌尾炎的秤平征兆。嚴重的胸疼或背疼可能是心臟病。

Methods : a retrospective comparison of all ed patients suspected of suffering from appendicitis was conducted 方法:所有在急診室懷疑闌尾炎之病人,都作回溯性之比較。

My elder brother was once operated on for appendicitis , and he told me all the symptoms of this disease 亨:我的哥哥有一次因患闌尾炎做手術,他告訴我這病有什么癥狀。

We concluded that ct is valuable in evaluating patients suspecting to have complicated appendicitis 我們結論計算機斷層掃描對有合并癥的闌尾炎之診斷極具價值。

We concluded that ct is valuable in evaluating patients suspecting to have complicated appendicitis 我們結論電腦斷層掃描對有合并癥的闌尾炎之診斷極具價值。

Relationship between the average stay in hospital and the hospitalization expenses of patients with appendicitis 闌尾炎病人住院費用與平均住院日的關系

Equivocal appendicitis cases , on the other hand , would be processed through computer scanning 臨床上模棱兩可之病人,則安排計算機斷層檢查。

Equivocal appendicitis cases , on the other hand , would be processed through computer scanning 臨床上模?兩可之病人,則安排電腦斷層檢查。

The diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis in pregnancy and the gestation final outcome : 70 cases 妊娠合并急性闌尾炎70例的診治與妊娠結局