
appendage n.1.附屬物,配件。2.【生物學】附器;附肢〔如:樹的...

In this paper , sea - keeping prediction of reducing ships “ longitudinal moments with built - up stabilizing appendage will be discussed in the theory 本文將主要從理論上討論帶減縱向運動組合附體船的耐波性預報問題。


The results indicate : naval ships with built - up stabilizing appendage are not only full - navigating in the higher conditions , but improve the sea - keeping 結果表明,帶減縱向運動組合附體的船型不但能在較高海情下全速航行,并可提高其適航性。

Examine all new or used toys for buttons , batteries , ribbons , eyes , beads , or plastic appendages that could easily be chewed or snapped off 檢查所有新或舊玩具的扣子、電池、絲帶、眼睛、珠子或塑料配件有無可能會很容易就被孩子咬下來或揪掉。

Masters of disguise , scorpion fish use cryptic coloring and specialized appendages to help them hide from predators and surprise prey 作為喬裝高手,天蝎魚用隱秘的著色和適合于隱身的肢體幫助它們避免被掠食者發現和躲避隨時會遇到的襲擊。

He becomes an appendage of the machine , and it is only the most simple , most monotonous , and most easily acquired knack , that is required of him 工人變成了機器的單純的附屬品,要求他做的只是極其簡單、極其單調和極容易學會的操作。

Computer aided design ( cad ) is used to design the shapes of hulls , appendages and decks , and is an important part of this course 計算機輔助設計( cad )用以設計船體、附屬物和甲板的外型,計算機輔助設計同時也是本課程的一個重要部分。

Computer aided design ( cad ) is used to design the shapes of hulls , appendages and decks , and is an important part of this course 電腦輔助設計( cad )用以設計船體、附屬物和甲板的外型,電腦輔助設計同時也是本課程的一個重要部分。

And the two kidneys and the fat that is on them , which is on the loins , and the appendage upon the liver , which he shall remove with the kidneys 4并兩個腰子和腰子上的脂油,就是靠腰兩旁的脂油,與肝上連著腰子取下的網子。

And the two kidneys and the fat that is on them , which is on the loins , and the appendage on the liver with the kidneys , he shall remove 4并兩個腰子和腰子上的脂油,就是靠腰兩旁的脂油,與肝上連著腰子的網子,都要取下。

The smaller receptive fields for the 11th appendage reflect a greater acuity for this region and mirror the organization of visual systems 第11號附器的接受域越小,顯示該區的敏銳度越高,而這也是視覺系統模式的再現。

In this paper , sea - keeping prediction of reducing ships “ longitudinal moments with built - up stabilizing appendage will be discussed in the theory 本文將主要從理論上討論帶減縱向運動組合附體船的耐波性預報問題。

As far as external environment is concerned , the markets in developing countries show appendage to some degree , just as their economy 在外部環境方面,發展中國家市場與其經濟狀況一樣呈現出某種依附性。

Modern spacecraft often carry large - scale and deployable appendages whose deployment will affect its attitude motion 現代航天器都帶有可展開的大型柔性附件,其附件的展開過程將會影響到航天器的運動狀態。

The model coordinate of the flexible appendage added to the system is the reason that cause the order of the system too high 用部件模態坐標表示柔性部件的彈性變形的引入是導致模型高階的主要原因。

This allows the crab to insert a large toothlike appendage on its right - hand claw into the opening , thus cracking the snail ' s shell 這樣就可以把它右爪那邊象牙齒樣的東西刺進蝸殼口從而弄碎蝸殼。

Objective : to investigate effectiveness of using live three - dimensional transthoracic echocardiography to exam left atrial appendage 摘要目的:探討實時三維超聲心動圖對左心耳形態觀察的有效性。

Attitude control dynamics and stability of coupled system with rigid body filled with full liquid and attached to a flexible appendage 具有撓性附件的全充液剛體耦合系統的姿態控制動力學與穩定性

Conclusion : cdfi has a great value in diagnosis of testicular torsion and testicular appendage torsion 結論:彩色多普勒超聲在睪丸扭轉和睪丸附件扭轉診斷及鑒別診斷中具有重要診斷價值。

When we compared the sizes of cortical brain maps with the appendages of the star , we noticed an obvious discrepancy 我們比較大腦皮質地圖與星鼻附器的大小時,注意到一項明顯的差異。