
append vt.1.(用線等)掛上。2.附上,添上,加上;追加,增...

Tumors are usually named by appending the suffix “-oma“ to the name of the tissue in which the tumor has arisen . 腫瘤的命名通常在是發生腫瘤的組織的名稱后面加上一個詞尾瘤。


Sculpture locations can be referred to in the appended 擬設作品位置可參考

Read , append , or write files or directories 讀取、追加或寫入文件或目錄。

Don ' t append on the desk for it will break down 別倚桌子,不然它就倒了。

A table showing the above statistics is appended below - 上述統計列表如下

And append it to our current pattern space ,然后將其附加到當前模式空間。

The output is appended to the current file , unless 時,將輸出追加到當前文件,除非:

In this case , append this fully qualified class name with 在這種情況下,添加這個帶有

They signed the agreement and the documents appended thereto 他們簽署了協議與附件。

Does most of the real appending work 方法將執行大多數實際的日志附加工作。

The virtual path to append the slash mark to 要向其追加正斜杠的虛擬路徑。

An optional string to append to the end of the caption 追加到標題末尾的可選字符串。

For reading , writing , and appending to files 用于讀取、寫入和追加到文件。

How to : append a menustrip to an mdi parent window >如何:將menustrip附加到mdi父窗口

On sgi machines you can append boot parameters to the 在sgi上您可以在命令監視器下給

This command appends a rule to the end of a chain 該命令將一條規則附加到鏈的末尾。

Appended source text is not subjected to validation 不會驗證追加的源文本。

Appends an elliptical arc to the current figure 向當前圖形追加一段橢圓弧。

The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract 律師在合同后又附加了兩頁