
appellee n.被告。


Its legal important requirement is what must have legal appeal exist , the appellee mention for appellor , must disobey the trial sentence of the appellor , must mention before word debate end , the appellor ca n ' t mention the collateral appeal again for appellee , must comply with legal program , then the author divides into five kinds of condition to discuss the relation of appeal and collateral appeal in detail 附帶上訴的合法要件是:須有合法的主上訴存在、須由被上訴人對上訴人提起、須對上訴人所上訴的第一審判決聲明不服、須于言詞辯論終結前提起、須非對附帶上訴而為附帶上訴、須遵守法定程式。接著分五種情況,詳細探討了附帶上訴與主上訴的關系。

The following aspects , such as setting prejudication judger system , rationally collocating the rights and incumbency of pretrial both sides , establishing force answer system for appellee and mounting pretrial meeting system , should be the basic breakthrough point for perfecting the pretrial procedure system of our country 應從設置預審法官制度、合理配置審前各方的權利義務、建立強制被告答辯制度、設置審前會議制度等方面作為基本切入點完善我國的審前程序機制。

Continent law department have the value of collateral appeal system and this kind of system , generally in civil lawsuit system lies in mainly to protect the appellee who appeal expect have been full , gives up appeal right or appeal had been rejected , lets him use the appeal program that the appellor has lodged , by the collateral appeal to change or discard the sentence of trial so to realizes both parties equal in attack and defence 大陸法系民事訴訟制度中,普遍存在著附帶上訴制度,這種制度的價值主要在于保護上訴期已滿、舍棄上訴權或上訴被駁回的被上訴人的利益,讓其利用上訴人的上訴程序,依附帶上訴的方式請求變更或廢棄一審判決,從而實現當事人雙方的攻防平等。

That / after that / the appellee on june 13 2006 < which was submitted copy of the appeal petition and copy of memorandum of appeal from the appellant , > filed a counter memorandum of appeal < which was received by the * * court , on june 20 2006 > 接到上訴人的上訴書與上訴備忘錄副本的>被告于2006年6月13日提出了抗訴備忘錄之后。

That after that the appellee on june 13 2006 which was submitted copy of the appeal petition and copy of memorandum of appeal from the appellant , filed a counter memorandum of appeal which was received by the * * court , on june 20 2006 被上訴人自2006年6月13日收到上訴狀副本及上訴摘要副本之后向* *法院提交了上訴答辯摘要,法院于2006年6月20日收到該答辯摘要。

That after that the appellee on june 13 2006 which was submitted copy of the appeal petition and copy of memorandum of appeal from the appellant , filed a counter memorandum of appeal which was received by the * * court , on june 20 2006 被上訴人自2006年6月13日收到上訴狀副本及上訴摘要副本之后向* *法院提交了答辯狀,法院于2006年6月20日收到該答辯狀。

This chapter mainly analyzes and appraises the regulation of domination , suit way , preceding procedure , accuser and appellee in the effective procedural mechanism of civil liabilities of misrepresentation in securities market 本章針對現有證券市場虛假陳述民事賠償訴訟機制中的管轄、訴訟方式、前置程序、原告和被告的確定等進行了剖析和評價。

I . the first - instance court ascertained that the house lease contract executed between the appellant and the appellee on may 14 , 1998 was invalid . this ruling is not law - based 一、一審法院認定1998年5月14日上訴人與被上訴人簽訂的房屋租賃合同為無效合同,與法無據。

The most special of it lies in that the appellee will still institute incidental appeal if the deadline for apellee ? appeal expires , if the appelle give up appeal or retract it 其最特殊之處在于,被上訴人在上訴期間己滿或舍棄上訴或撤回上訴后,仍可提起附帶上訴。

Incidental appeal refers to the special appeal instituted by the appellee who is attached to the procedure for appeal , after one party ( to a lawsuit ) appealing to a higher court 摘要附帶上訴是指當事人一方上訴后,被上訴人依附于該上訴程序而提起的特殊上訴。

Can a tourist be an appellee in tourism complaint ? - on appellee ' s qualification and discussion with mr . han yuling 論被投訴者資格兼與韓玉靈先生商榷