
appellation n.1.稱呼。2.名稱,稱號。

All wines from c ? tes de castillon may also carry the regional appellations of “ bordeaux “ or “ bordeaux sup rieur “ 所有來自于卡斯狄倫山坡的葡萄酒也同樣按照地區等級:波爾多和波爾多特級。

The appellation of “ graves sup rieurs “ is strictly reserved to sweet white wines 格拉夫特級,這個級別的命名就是嚴格指甜白葡萄酒。


All wines from c ? tes de castillon may also carry the regional appellations of “ bordeaux “ or “ bordeaux sup rieur “ 所有來自于卡斯狄倫山坡的葡萄酒也同樣按照地區等級:波爾多和波爾多特級。

The bordeaux sup rieur appellation grow on the same soils . red wines may have a higher quality and can age better 波爾多特級也生長在同一片土地。它的紅酒擁有更高的品質,也能儲存更久。

Many appellations for relatives were recorded in historical documents and stone tablet inscriptions of the han and wei periods 摘要漢魏時期的史書和碑刻材料中,記錄了較多的親屬稱謂。

Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb , and they were the reflection of etiquette culture 謙敬詞語包括謙敬稱謂和謙敬副詞,合乎古代禮儀的規范,是禮儀文化的反映。

The diversiform appellations of the characters in lolita provides an easy approach to the interpretation of the novel 《洛麗塔》中龐雜的人物命名給讀者提供了一個解讀這部小說的途徑。

The other wines are sold under the aloxe corton appellation . they are very good red wines and offer good value 此外,其他葡萄酒以阿斯頓-高頓的等級販賣,他們提供了物有所值的品質。

Tasting note : this upper class wine marks the revival of an appellation which future is said to be very promising 品嘗:這款頂級酒的命名標志著一種復興,它的前景十分被看好。

However , the change of tujia appellation is closely related to the marriage custom and people a cultural quality 土家族稱謂的變化則與婚制習俗、開放和文化素質的提高相關聯。

The phenomenon and the related analysis about the virilism in the appellation for women in the dialect of yueyang county 岳陽縣方言女性稱謂男性化現象及分析

The system of appellation of origin and geographic indication of orthodox drugs and their protection in china 利用原產地域產品保護制度打造道地藥材保護體系

The appellation of the relatives in the dongkou dialect and its social and cultural information reflected in them 洞口話的親屬稱謂及其反映的社會文化信息

Appellation concerning pingxingguan battle by the division 115 of the eigth routh army on 25th september 關于1937年9月25日八路軍115師平型關之戰的稱謂

Listrac is more distant from a river and from the ocean than any other bordeaux appellations 利斯塔克產區與其他波爾多產區比較,離河與海洋有點距離。

Preliminary study on the appellation in social intercourse among yuanwen votive writings found in dunhuang manuscripts 敦煌愿文社會交際稱謂詞初探

At the beginning of the last century , listrac was one of the largest appellation in m doc 上世紀初,利斯塔克屬于梅鐸克最大的葡萄酒產區。

The relationship among geographical indications , indications of source and appellations of origin 地理標志及原產地名稱等相關概念的探究

Lisbon agreement for the protection of appellations of origin and their international registration 保護原產地名稱及國際注冊里斯本協定