
appellate adj.【法律】受理上訴的。 an appellate ...

When the case goes on appeal , the appellate court will consider the “ record “ made in the court below 當案子進入到上訴階段,上訴法庭將考慮下級法庭的紀錄。


The third section offers a horizontal comparison between the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism and the appellate review in other dispute settlement mechanism 第三部分是wto爭端解決機制上訴審與其他爭端解決機制上訴審的比較。對wto上訴審與其他爭端解決機制上訴審進行了橫向的比較。

The thesis is divided into six parts in addition to the introduction , which has about 40 , 000 words . part one : the characteristics of dsb and the appellate body 其次,相比較gatt項下較分散的爭端解決機制, wto爭端解決機制將該組織項下的各項協議的爭端解決統一起來,實現了爭端解決機制的單一化。

Sitting at the pinnacle of hong kong s legal system is its own final appellate court , the court of final appeal ( cfa ) , which was established on july 1 , 1997 1997年7月1日,香港成立了本身的最終上訴法院終審庭。終審庭不但是香港的最終審判處,更是本港發展普通法的最后仲裁機構。

Panel of experts shows strongly international judicial characteristic in the procedural respect . standing appellate body is not an appeal court but a legislative review procedure 專家組只是在其技術方面,展示了較強的國際司法特性;上訴機構不是上訴法院,只是一個法律復查程序。

The attorney for convicted killer clarence hill said he would ask a federal appellate court for a stay on the execution so the supreme court decision can be carried out 殺人犯克拉倫斯& # 8226 ;希爾的律師說,他將請求聯邦受訴法院延緩行刑,以使聯邦最高法院的裁決能夠得到貫徹執行。

One of the areas of our practice is doing appeals from both judicial and administrative decisions , both in state and federal appellate courts or administrative tribunals 代理客戶在美國進行上訴,是我行的重要執業領域之一。我們的上訴業務包括州法院上訴、聯邦法院上訴和行政上訴。

Sitting at the pinnacle of hong kong s legal system is its own final appellate court , the court of final appeal , which was established on july 1 , 1997 在香港的司法制度下,一九九七年七月一日成立的終審法院是特區最終的上訴法庭。終審法院已成為香港普通法法制中最終的仲裁機關。

The newly appointed chairman of the iacc will enjoy the status of a judge of the appellate division of the supreme court while the commissioners will enjoy the status of high court judges 新任命的反貪專員地位等同最高法院上訴法庭法官,而兩名副專員的地位則等同高等法庭法官。

The first section is the preface , which points out the necessity and practical meanings of the study of the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism 全文共分為六個部分。第一部分為引言。指出對wto爭端解決機制上訴審研究的必要性和現實意義。

The second section gives a brief account of the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism , and analyses systematically the concrete rules of it 第二部分是wto爭端解決機制上訴審概述。對wto爭端解決機制上訴審的具體規定作了系統分析。

The appellate process have special regulations which are useful to developing countries , and developing countries should be more active in the future 并希望發展中國家更積極地參與包括上訴程序在內的wto爭端解決機制,以便更好地保護自己的權益。

The symbol of the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism is the standing appellate body which is set up to check up the decision made by the panel Wto爭端解決機制上訴審的標志是其所設立的專事審查專家小組決定的常設上訴機構。

It analyses the effects and value and function caused by the operation of the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism in that 7 years 全面分析了wto上訴審運作7年多來的實踐所產生的實際效用及其價值與功能。

The concluding remarks sum up the whole article and prospect the future trend of the appellate review in wto dispute settlement mechanism 最后是結束語。歸納總結全文,并對wto爭端解決機制上訴審的未來走勢進行了展望。

Overseas judges are invited to preside as non - permanent judges of the court of final appeal , the highest appellate court in hong kong 海外法官獲邀出任終審法院非常任法官,在香港最高層次的受理上訴的法院審理上訴。

Llewellyn claims that the work of appellate courts then was in the person of a resuscitating common law tradition , grand style 盧埃林認為當時的美國州上訴法院正處于一種復蘇普通法傳統,即宏大風格之中。

It develops around the core problem whether the juristic decisions of appellate courts all over the country are reckonable 它圍繞著美國州上訴法院的審理結果是否具有可估量性這個核心問題展開。

An iran appellate court teheran mayor which suspension bandy - legged its prison term from five years is reduced is two years 伊朗一家上訴法庭把被停職的德黑蘭市長卡巴其的刑期從五年減為兩年。