
appellant n.【法律】控訴人;上訴人,請求人。adj.【法律】有關...


The appellant will not normally be cross - examined if the former option is adopted but will be cross examined by representative of the commissioner should the latter option be chosen 如選擇前者,上訴人一般可無須接受盤問;但若選擇后者,則須接受局長代表的盤問。

Make provision enabling the commission to hold proceedings in the absence of any person , including the appellant and any legal representative appointed by him , 制定條文,容許委員會在任何涉案人(包括上訴人及由其委任的任何法律代表)缺席的情況下展開法律程序;

Upon agreement with the other parties , the applicant or appellant shall have the responsibility for the physical compilation of the hearing bundles , 申請人或上訴人和其他各方達成共識后,申請人或上訴人有責任制備該等文件冊,以及編寫人物公司名單和時序表。

To prevent abuse of the system , the scheme originally provided that each legal aid appellant could only apply for a certificate once in respect of the same case 為防止濫用該制度,計劃原本規定每位法律援助上訴人就同一案件只可申請一份大律師證明書。

In the exceptional case where such agreement cannot be reached , it shall be the duty of the applicant or the appellant to prepare the same 在特殊情況下,若與訟各方未能就上述文件冊或文件達成共識,申請人或上訴人有責任準備該文件冊或文件。

Ii . the first - instance judgment on the 13 square meters in respect of which the appellant failed perform the contract is explicitly wrong in law implementation 二、一審法院對被上訴人未履約的13平米問題的判決,存在明顯的執法錯誤。

An appellant is usually given a choice at the hearing of either making an unsworn statement or alternatively giving evidence on oath in support of this appeal 進行聆訊時,上訴人通常可選擇不宣誓作供或宣誓下作供以支持其上訴。

All appeals are heard in camera , but official publication of the hearings may be made in such a manner that the identity of the appellant is not disclosed 所有上訴均閉門聆訊,但亦可以不透露上訴人身分的方式正式公布聆訊結果。

And chronology , the applicant or appellant must not impose any condition of prepayment of photocopying charges 申請人或上訴人向其他各方提供己方的聆訊文件冊、人物公司名單和時序表時,不得以預付影印費用作為條件。

2 appeals were received by the board in 2002 - 03 , of which 1 was dismissed and the other was subsequently withdrawn by the appellant 委員會在2002至03年度共接獲2宗上訴個案,其中一宗被駁回,另一宗隨后由上訴人撤銷(

11 appeals were received by the board in 2003 - 04 , of which 3 were dismissed and 7 were subsequently withdrawn by the appellant 委員會在2003至04年度共接獲11宗上訴個案,其中3宗已被駁回,另外7宗隨后由上訴人撤銷

Excuse me gentleman , ladies : does punishment appeal to in can you mention what does a : appellant ruling have ? ask grant instruction . thank 請問先生、女士們:刑訴中可以提起上訴的裁定有哪些?請賜教。謝謝!

The appellant grossly inflated the rent which was twofold and a half in excess of the market rate during the year of assessment 19992000 被告在19992000課稅年度內,將該物業的租金夸大至超過市值租金2

In exceptional cases and subject to the approval of the appeal board , the appellant may be legally represented at his own expense 如屬特別個案并獲上訴委員會批準,申請人亦可自費延聘律師代表出席。

Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing 關于上訴的決定應通知上訴人,作出該決定的理由應以書面形式提供。

During the year , 5 appeals were received by the board , 4 of which were subsequently withdrawn by the appellants concerned 委員會在2000至01年度共接獲5宗上訴個案,其中4宗后來由上訴人撤回(

In accordance with section 68 of the inland revenue ordinance cap 112 , the identity of the appellant is not disclosed 根據稅務條例第112章第68 5的規定,上訴人的身分不會被披露。

An appellant shall attend the meeting of the board at which the appeal is heard in person or by an authorised representative 上訴人須親自或由一名授權代表出席委員會聆訊上訴的會議。

6 appeals were received by the board during the year but all of them were subsequently withdrawn by the appellants 委員會在2001至02年度共接獲6宗上訴個案,但隨后均由上訴人撤回