
appel n.【擊劍】墊步。


Bocquet - appel and anthropology graduate student stephan naji analyzed skeletal remains in 62 prehistoric north american cemeteries . they found that the number of immature skeletons increased by 37 percent over a 600 - to - 800 year period that coincides with the adoption of farming in north america about 2 , 500 years ago 他們發現,這些墓地里年輕人骸骨的數量在600年至800年的時間中增加了37這段時期大約是在2500年前,當時北美洲居民正轉向農耕生活方式。

Staying put allows women to have more babies , and a farming economy provides more food to support the growing population , explained jean - pierre bocquet - appel , a researcher at the national center for scientific research in paris 對此,巴黎國家科學研究中心的研究員人類學家博克特阿佩爾解釋說,穩定的生活會使婦女們生育更多的孩子,同時農耕經濟也會向人們提供更多的食物以滿足人口的不斷增加。

The researchers will report their findings in the march - april issue of the journal current anthropology . the baby - boom pattern has been observed in african and european cemeteries dating about 5 , 000 to 7 , 000 years earlier , according to bocquet - appel 阿佩爾表示,人類學家曾在非洲和歐洲的一些墓地中,觀察到了5000年至7000年前當地“嬰兒潮”的模式。

Mr . rene appel 艾培理先生

The year is appel leap year if there are 13 months in the year 如果某一年有13個月,這一年就叫做閏年。