
appeasement n.姑息,遷就;撫慰;緩和,綏靖;滿足。

One of the lessons that can be learned from the second world war is the issues of race , religion and economy must be monitored and controlled . the europeans “ appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers . however , to monitor and control them , a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place 兩次大戰的教訓之一是,民族宗教和經濟問題必須受監控歐洲國家對非理性政權的綏靖政策,只會讓潛在危機惡化,但是監控有賴強有力的國際協調,而非以暴制暴。

In this century , when evil men plot chemical , biological and nuclear terror , a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth 在這個世紀,當邪惡的人策劃化學生物和核恐怖襲擊時,再采取“綏靖政策“將導致這個地球發生史無前例的大破壞。

appeasement policy

One of the lessons that can be learned from the second world war is the issues of race , religion and economy must be monitored and controlled . the europeans “ appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers . however , to monitor and control them , a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place 兩次大戰的教訓之一是,民族宗教和經濟問題必須受監控歐洲國家對非理性政權的綏靖政策,只會讓潛在危機惡化,但是監控有賴強有力的國際協調,而非以暴制暴。

But whereas that was based on economic anxieties alone , china - bashing enjoys a much broader constituency : moralistic neo - conservatives , who have objected to america ' s china policy since nixon began “ appeasement ” in the 1970s ; defence types , who fear china ' s arms build - up ; fundamentalist christians , angry about china ' s repressively atheist ways 但是恐中癥并不完全是來自對經濟的焦慮,指責中國者有著更廣泛的支持者:守舊的新保守主義者,他們從20世紀70年代尼克松的“緩和”政策開始就反對美國的對中政策;中國武力威脅論者,他們害怕中國的武力擴張;正統的基督教原旨主義者,他們討厭中國強制性宣傳無神論的方式。

As adolf hitler and nazism showed off their aggressive momentum in europe , chamberlain , the prime minister , found his policy of appeasement of german aggression was no longer tenable , and was forced to declare war on germany on september 3 , 1939 第二次世界大戰是從1939年至1945年,當阿道夫希特勒及納粹主義顯示他們對歐洲的侵略意圖時,首相張伯倫發現他對德國傾略所采取的綏靖政策已站不住腳,被迫于1939年9月3日對德宣戰。

As adolf hitler and nazism showed off their aggressive momentum in europe , chamberlain , the prime minister , found his policy of appeasement of german aggression was no longer tenable , and was forced to declare war on germany on september 3 , 1939 當阿道夫希特勒及納粹主義顯示他們對歐洲的侵略意圖時,首相張伯倫發現他的綏靖政策已站不住腳,只得于1939年9月3日對德宣戰。

In this century , when evil men plot chemical , biological and nuclear terror , a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth 在這個世紀,當邪惡的人策劃化學、生物和核恐怖襲擊時,再采取“綏靖政策”將導致這個地球發生史無前例的大破壞。

In this century , when evil men plot chemical , biological and nuclear terror , a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth 在這個世紀,當邪惡的人策劃化學生物和核恐怖襲擊時,再采取“綏靖政策“將導致這個地球發生史無前例的大破壞。

In this century , when evil men plot chemical , biological and nuclear terror , a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth 在本世紀,在邪惡之徒策劃化學、生物和核恐怖之時,綏靖政策可能給地球帶來的巨大破壞,將會是前所未見的。

When terminal cancer of the stomach produces the haemorrhage , block disease that endangers life , go appeasement operation in order to alleviate it is symptom , painful to reduce 晚期胃癌發生出血、梗阻等危及生命的病癥時,則行姑息手術以緩解癥狀、減輕痛苦。

To safeguard world peace , it is essential to oppose the policy of appeasement towards the aggressors , militarily , politically and economically 要維護世界和平,就要反對侵略者的綏靖政策,不管是軍事的、政治的、經濟的綏靖,都要反對。

The pundits who discuss these matters in cyberspace roll their eyes at such “ appeasement ” 那些就此類問題在網上討論得熱火朝天的學者一提及“綏靖” 、 “安撫”就翻白眼,一副不以為然的樣子。

The smoke of a proud papa ' s pipe drifting toward the heavens was a sort of appeasement to the heavenly powers 那時,驕傲的父親煙斗里飄出來的煙霧升到天堂就是一種緩和眾神嫉妒之心的手段。

It would allow the sharp - witted time to choose appeasement , defence or possibly even pre - emptive attack 這可以使他最緊急的時刻選擇冷靜下來,防守或甚至先發制人。

Munich , the 1938 hitler - chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement 慕尼黑, 1938年希特勒與張伯倫的會晤現已為綏靖主義的象征。

He should be treated with due seriousness ? despite that “ appeasement ” over iraq 他理應得到應有的關注? ?盡管他在伊拉克恐怖主義問題上有所“妥協” 。

Appeasement be damned 現在來到了美國

Many were also scarred by memories of appeasement in the 1930s 他們還沉浸在對20世紀30年代綏靖主義的恐慌中。

On the policy of appeasement of the former soviet union before world war 論二戰爆發前夕蘇聯的綏靖政策