
appearance n.1.出現;露面,出場,登臺。2.出版,刊行。3.外貌...


Never judge people by their appearance . 人不可貌相。

Pretexts and appearances no longer deceive us . 那些托辭與假象再也不會欺騙我們了。

She is pleasing in shape and appearance . 她身材苗條。

He asked the question with some appearance of scorn . 他用嘲諷的態度提出了這問題。

Never judge a person by his appearance . 人不可以貌相。

His wife is ordinary in her appearance . 其妻品貌不揚。

Her appearance had not changed in nineteen years . 她的面容在十九年里沒有怎么變。

It was low in height and distinguished in appearance . 它并不高,可是外觀很別致。

It presents a wretched appearance . 它的外表是很凄涼的。

He tried to support the appearance of a gentleman . 他極力要擺出一付紳士的樣子。

He has lost his imposing appearance . 他已失去堂堂儀表。

Mrs. kennedy was deeply moved at his appearance . 肯尼迪夫人深為他的神態所感動。

She was quite unconscious of her appearance now . 現在她完全顧不上自己的外表了。

It is only shallow people who judge by appearances . 只有淺薄的人才會以貌取人。

This has all the appearance of a cosmic free lunch . 這就產生了廣泛的免費午餐。

Margot's court appearances were frequent . 馬戈特常出庭。

He gave the appearance of a well-to-do businessman . 他裝出一副有錢商人的模樣。

He was to all outward appearances dead . 他顯然已經死了。

It is not always wise to go by appearances . 根據表面現象看問題有時是不可取的。