
appear vi.1.出現,露出,顯現。2.出庭,出場,演出,(在公...


There appeared to be no easy solution to the problem . 看來問題沒有簡易對策。

He appeared to be in a spasmodic sort of hurry . 他那副樣子好象非常匆促似的。

Some warning signs have appeared . 已出現了某些危險的信號。

The hero appears as a larger-than-life character . 男主角的表現是高于生活的。

This opinion may appear somewhat extraordinary . 這個意見看起來也許有些離奇。

Another effect of coldness appears in metal . 低溫的另一個效應表現在金屬中。

On superficial examination, the teeth appear normal . 表面檢查牙齒似乎正常。

She seldom appears other than happy . 她很少有不高興的時候。

He appears at five o'clock to the minute . 他正巧五點鐘來到。

A new factor appears under the integral sign . 積分號內出現了一個新的因子。

The news appeared next day on the front page . 那則消息次日刊登在頭版上了。

My novel has just appeared in hardback . 我的小說剛出精裝本。

Collagen fibers appear in the wound . 在傷口中出現了膠原纖維。

Temporal isolation appears to be possible . 暫時隔離是可行的。

Such things did not appear to horrify her . 她對這種事情似乎并不感到奇怪。

He really appeared to see a future for me . 我認為他很有希望。

The cement appears to be a liquid protein . 膠接劑看去象是一種液態蛋白質。

He may appear cyanotic and struggle to breathe . 他會拼命呼吸并出現青紫。

The heat period appears at regular intervals . 其發情期有一定的間隔時間。