
appeal vi.1.呼吁;要求。2.訴諸于;向…求助 (to)。3...


An appeal was to be taken to the supreme court at washington . 上訴書就要送進華盛頓的最高法院。

There was an appeal in his voice, soft and gentle . 他的語音里含著懇求的意味,又溫柔,又親切。

They appealed to the public to help the distressed children . 他們呼吁公眾幫助那些受難的兒童。

In 1906 the court of appeal quashed the 1894 verdict . 1906年民事上訴法院撤消了1894年的判決。

Her open face looked more youthful and appealing . 她那張開朗的臉龐顯得更青春煥發,楚楚動人。

There's a subject that always appealed to my imagination . 我腦子里常常翻騰著的就是這個題材。

I appealed to the king . 我請國王替我作主。

I have decided not to appeal . 我決定不上訴。

Not satisfied with the verdict , they decided to make an appeal . 他們不服判決,決定申訴。

It does not have the direct appeal of paris or new york . 它沒有巴黎或紐約那樣的直接魅力。

Many considered this a crude and tasteless appeal . 很多人認為這是一種拙劣的、低級的呼吁。

That is a method deadening to their point of appeal . 這么做又會使她們追求的目標化為泡影。

The decision of the supreme court shall not be appealed against . 最高法院的判決不容上訴。

Lena's good looks and gentle manners appealed to him . 他對莉娜的美貌和文雅風度很有好感。

He couldn't help the note of appeal in his voice . 他不由自主的話的口音里帶著懇求的腔調。

She met his father's appeal none the less squarely . 她還是毫不妥協地面對父親的呼吁。

He appealed to the members to reject the resolution . 他請求議員們拒絕通過這個動議。

And once more he had a glimpse of the appealing scene . 他又一次瞧見了那誘人的情景。

The judge 's decision was set aside by the appeal court . 法官的判決被上訴法庭駁回。