
apparition n.1.鬼,幽靈,妖怪。2.幻象,幻影。3.(星等的)出...

“ you have not , of course , passed your apparition test , “ he said “你肯定還沒有通過幻影顯形的考試吧? ”他問。

You can steer in that direction , “ the apparition replied 你能往那一個方向行駛, ”幽靈答覆。


The apparition was very like his present self , and , as he regarded it , he noted the student - lamp by which it was illuminated , and the book over which it pored 那幻影非常像他現在的自己。他打量著幻影,看見了那映照著幻影的臺燈和燈光照耀的書本。

Connie watched his thin , white figure , and it looked to her like a ghost , an apparition moving away from her . when she could see it no more , her heart sank 仿佛一個鬼影,一個幽靈似的,一步一步地向著遠處飄涉當她看不見他的時候,她的心沉重起來。

On may 13 , 1917 a luminous apparition of the virgin mary appeared to three peasant children and delivered a prophecy that would change the world 1917年5月13日,一個圣母瑪麗亞的發光幻影出現在三個鄉村小孩面前,呈遞了一個將會改變世界的預言。

There was something so bright and remarkable in his look , that , for the first moment , the prisoner misdoubted him to be an apparition of his own imagining 他的形象是那樣光輝,那樣出眾,囚犯剛見到他時幾乎誤以為是產生于自己想象中的幽靈。

What in hell s success if it isn t right there in your stevenson sonnet , which outranks henley s apparition , in that love - cycle , in those sea - poems 你的成功已經在你的愛情組詩種為斯蒂文森寫的那首十四行詩里了,已經在你那些海洋詩里了。

The little prince , who was present at the first appearance of a huge bud , felt at once that some sort of miraculous apparition must emerge from it 看到在這棵苗上長出了一個很大很大的花蕾,小王子感覺到從這個花苞中一定會出現一個奇跡。

She s an excitable , nervous person : she construed her dream into an apparition , or something of that sort , no doubt ; and has taken a fit with fright 她好激動,神經質,她把夢里見到的當成了鬼魂,或是這一類東西,而且嚇得昏了過去。

It comes when he is abandoned and challenges him reluctant and , as an apparition of hope and youth holds him unresisting 當他孤零零的時候,宿命來臨,向并不情愿的他進行挑戰。作為希望與青春的化身,抓住他使他無法抵抗。

M : when people see an apparition , because they are in a catholic country or a christian country , they presume that it is the virgin mary 答:當人們看到神靈出現,因為身處天主教或基督教的國度,就推測認為是圣母瑪璃亞。

According to a report at the time , the virgin identified herself that way in a later apparition to juan diego ' s uncle , juan bernardino 根據當時的一個報道,圣母通過向胡安.迭戈的叔父,胡安伯納狄諾顯靈來證實她自己。

Mademoiselle bourienne was the first to recover herself after this apparition , and began talking about the princes ill - health 在發生這種情況后,布里安小姐頭一個想到了應對的辦法,她開始說到公爵的身體欠佳。

Lourdes cure , waters of oblivion , and the knock apparition , statues bleeding . old fellow asleep near that confession box . hence those snores 盧爾德61的治療,忘卻的河流,諾克62的顯圣,淌血的圣像63 。

There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions , in holiday time ; and we called them children of the lord of misrule 那時候,每逢節日,常有成群的這種小精靈,我們都把他們叫作司戲者的孩子。

At that exact moment the lights in the room switched off , taking the apparition with it , and shrouding the room in darkness 此時房里的燈已經滅了,房子一片漆黑,籠罩著一種詭異的氣氛。

There is a famous legend in portugal about an apparition of the virgin mary to three children 有一個非常有名的傳說在葡萄牙廣為流傳,那是一個關于圣母瑪利對三個小孩顯靈的傳說。

Predictably jacinta told her parents about the apparition and there was a general reaction of disbelief 可預言的杰西塔告訴她父母有關離奇出現的幻影,普遍有懷疑的反作用力。

He watched the youthful apparition of himself , day after day , hurrying from school to the enquirer alley 他觀看著自己的幻影一天一天從學校匆匆趕到探詢者胡同去。