
apparent adj.1.明顯的,顯而易見的 (to)。2.貌似的;表...

“oh, is it really?“ bertrand asked with apparent interest . “噢,真的?”伯特蘭德興致勃勃地問道。

Both photons and electrons show an apparent “duality“ . 光子和電子都表現為外觀上的“二象性”。

apparent angle

In water analysis it is important to differentiate between apparent and true color . 在水分析中區別表現色度和真實色度是重要的。

A similar stylization is apparent in hawthorne's treatment of his characters . 霍桑在人物刻劃上明顯地表現出一種類型化的手法。

The distinction is based on the direction of apparent movement along the fault fracture . 分類的根據是沿著斷裂的視運動方向。

Jim skardon exploded at this apparent intrusion into his empire . 吉姆斯卡登對于這些明顯地侵犯其主管領域的行為暴跳如雷。

It is also apparent that water temperature has a rapid effect on the turgidity of plants . 水溫對植物膨壓的影響是很快的。

Kennedy, listening with apparent interest, egged his friends on . 肯尼迪顯得很感興趣地傾聽著,同時鼓勵在座的朋友談下去。

Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye . 粗的晶體不完整性,如孿生體可用肉眼看出。

It is not apparent that drops or particles can ever form by condensation . 究竟能不能通過凝結形成液滴或粒子是不清楚的。

Can all these apparent indications of plate thickness really be mistaken ? 所有這些關于板塊厚度的明顯標志有可能弄錯嗎?

The resultant effect on flash temperature is not immediately apparent . 這些情況對瞬現溫度的綜合影響是不能直接看出的。

The endophyte is surrounded by a membrane of apparent host plant origin . 內生植物是明顯地被起源于寄生植物的膜包圍的。

By and by it became apparent that he had acted as my agent . 久而久之,事情更明顯了:他曾經是作為我的代理人而活動的。

J. eric humphrey listened to the argument with apparent indifference . 約埃里克漢弗萊顯然漫不經心地聽著這場爭吵。

When he was thirteen, his extraordinary good looks were already apparent . 當他十三歲時,他那出眾的相貌已經顯露出來。

If its distance from the eye is halved, its apparent size is doubled . 同一物體,與眼的距離減半,相對大小就大一倍。

This apparent contradiction is reconciled by realizing the following factors . 了解以下諸因素可以解決這個明顯矛盾。

It is apparent that rapidly fluctuating temperatures are not indicated . 溫度急劇地增減不能被指示出來是顯而易見的。