
apparel vt.〔書面語〕使穿衣;裝飾。 a girl gaily...

“ do not make yourself uneasy , my dear cousin , about your apparel “不要為衣裝擔心思,親愛的表妹。

Do you have any experience on “ non - apparel “ online purchase 你有沒有網上購買“非服裝“的經驗?

What do you think of “ apparel online purchase “ 當提及網上購買服裝,你會聯想起甚麼?


Kids , ladies , men apparels garments 孩子夫人人服裝服裝1

“ do not make yourself uneasy , my dear cousin , about your apparel “不要為衣裝擔心思,親愛的表妹。

Company name hong sheng apparel firms 公司名稱:弘升服飾商行

Classification , denomination and coding of wool textiles . apparel yarn 毛紡產品分類命名及編號絨線

Standard terminology relating to apparel 與服裝相關的標準術語

Articles of apparel and clothing accessories 成衣及服飾附屬品

On apparel format drawing in coreldraw 軟件繪制服裝款式圖技法

Leather - guide to the selection of leather for apparel excluding furs 皮革.制衣用皮革的選擇指南

A shop selling woman ' s apparel is at the corner of the street 女售貨員的服飾在這條街的拐角處。

A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk 馬拉布生絲織物由這種生絲制成的織物或衣物

< i > shania ' s there < / i > < i > promoting her apparel , right ? < / i > 仙妮亞在那,為她的飾品做宣傳,對吧?

Different asian nationalities have different wedding apparel 不同的亞洲民族有不同的婚禮服裝。

What ' s with all your lacy apparel 你為什么穿起蕾絲花邊的衣服了?

Our experience in the hong kong textile and apparel industry 在紡織及制衣業推行電子貿易的經驗

Do you have any experience on “ non - apparel “ online purchase 你有沒有網上購買“非服裝“的經驗?

Performance of bonded , fused and laminated apparel fabrics 粘合的熔凝纖維的及疊層衣料的性能