
apparatus n.(pl. apparatus(es))1.器具,裝置...

The apparatus finds some technical applications and is known as an “eddy current brake“ . 這種裝置有某些技術上的應用,即眾所周知的“渦流制動器。”


This shop has a variety of photographic apparatuses 這家商店供應各種照相器材。

Development of a new diode laser therapy apparatus 一種新型半導體激光治療機研制

Apparatus for physical test of cement . compression jig 水泥物理檢驗儀器抗壓夾具

The research of rotatory apparatus with compound wave plates 波片復合旋光器研究

Glossary of terms used in electronic measuring apparatus 電子測量儀器的術語匯編

Figure 6. 20 illustrates a commercially available fringe multiplication and fringe sharpening apparatus mounted on a polariscope specially designed to facilitate these applications . 圖6.20所示為一臺市售的條紋倍增和細化裝置,它安裝在一臺便于使用的專門設計的偏振光彈儀上。

Why has the material and technical apparatus of all the countries of the entents failed in twelve years to overthrow this artificially fostered bolshevism ? 為什么十二年來所有協約國成員的物質和技術手段卻撼不動一個人工培育的布爾什維克主義呢?

The apparatus thus described , however , records only the horizontal component of the wave movement , which is , in fact , much more complicated . 然而,儀器的如此描畫只能記錄波運動中的水平方面的運動部分,而波運動實際情況復雜得多。

I argued that the war had shown scientists could help solve intelligence problems without necessarily needing a huge amount of new apparatus . 我爭辯說,戰爭已經表明,科學家可以幫助解決情報問題,不一定非得有大量的新式設備不可。

The apparatus with which rontgen made his sensational discovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity . 倫琴用來做出驚人發現的儀器是電學領域長期發展的成果。

Colored circles on the map denoted kidney dialysis machines, oxygen generating units, iron lungs and similar apparatus . 圖面上彩色的圓圈表示腎透析機,氧氣發生器,鐵肺以及諸如此類的裝置。

The overall industry has not, to date, standardized on any particular test apparatus design for any of the three type tests . 到現在為止,整個催化劑工業關于這三種測試裝置都還沒有標準化。

She handled her apparatus with the efficient familiarity with which other women handle their baking boards and rolling pins . 她操縱儀器就象其他婦女使用面包烘盤和桿面杖那樣熟練。

The concept of local immunity also suggests that the immunologic apparatus of the lung is available as a target system . 局部免疫的概念還表明,肺的免疫結構是一種靶系統。

The chromosome apparatus also created new dimensions of the space within which the process of evolution takes place . 染色體機制還產生新的空間維,進化過程就在那里進行。

The golgi apparatus is also the site where synthesis of polysaccharides, e.g. in mucus, takes place . 高爾基體還是進行多糖類合成的場所,如粘液中的多糖的合成。

Yet there was apparently only one spy-houghton-serviced by the whole lonsdale/kroger apparatus . 然而,整個朗斯代爾克羅格間諜網表面上只經營一個間諜--霍頓。

The apparatus thus described , however , records only the horizontal component of the wave movement . 然而,儀器的如此描畫只能記錄波運動中的水平方面的部分。