
appalachian adj.阿帕拉契山脈的。

In 1944 , the martha graham ballet “ appalachian spring , “ with music by aaron copland , premiered at the library of congress , with graham in a leading role 1944年,瑪撒格雷厄姆的芭蕾舞“阿巴拉契山脈的春天”在美國國會圖書館初次公演,音樂亞倫科普蘭,格雷厄姆為主要男演員。

Ultralight backpacking the appalachian trail with a “ 10 pound pack “ . includes gear lists , and links -包括自助旅游野外探險體育比賽友情聚會情感交流人生探索等內容。


They made available kinds of popular music heard previously only limited geographical areas or by specific ethnic and social groups ? especially the blues , gospel songs , and jazz of african americans and the traditional music of the southern appalachian mountains and other rural areas of the southern and western united states 他們制造了相當多種類的流行音樂,這些音樂以前只限于在地理區域或特殊的種族和社會群體能被聽到,尤其是象布嚕斯、福音歌曲和非洲美國人的爵士樂和阿巴拉奇亞山脈南部和其他美國南部和西部的鄉村區域傳統音樂。

Part of the appalachian mountains , the whites , as they ' re called locally , are home to 6 , 300 - foot ( 1 , 916 - meter ) mount washington , tallest mountain in northeastern united states and record - holder for the fastest winds on earth & mdash231 miles an hour ( 372 kilometers an hour ) 當地人叫其白山,它是阿巴拉契亞山脈的一部分,也是高6300英尺( 1916米)美國北部最高峰華盛頓山的發源地,同時此地也是世界最快風速紀錄保持者所在地,達到每小時231英里( 372千米/小時) 。

The middle cambrian early devonian ( 513 - 397ma ) tectonic stage was characterized by a series of tectonic events with different features , which are completely different from the caledonian event that occurred in the appalachian orogen and in scotland 摘要中國大陸早古生代(中寒武世早泥盆世)構造期以發生系列各具特征、分布局限、準同時的構造事件為特征。

Fashioning orchestral pieces out of dances from operas or ballets began in the baroque period ; later examples include tchaikovsky ' s nutcracker suite and copland ' s appalachian spring , both arranged from ballets 把歌劇和芭蕾舞音樂改編成組曲始于巴洛克時期;后來的例子如柴可夫斯基的胡桃夾組曲和科普蘭的阿巴拉契亞的春天組曲均改編自芭蕾舞。

Sunlight filters through fall foliage in alabama ' s talladega national forest . the forest is home to cheaha mountain , part of the southern appalachian mountains and , at 2 , 407 feet ( 900 meters ) , alabama ' s highest peak 陽光濾射過落葉在阿拉巴馬的塔拉德加國家森林。該森林源自奇哈山,阿帕拉契山脈的南端的一部分,海拔2407英尺,是阿拉巴馬最高的山峰。

This island at the northern terminus of the appalachian mountains is attracting a lot of attention these days : mining companies want to capitalise on the boost chinese demand has given to metal and mineral prices 該島阿巴拉契亞山脈北端最近一直非常引人注目:由于中國對金屬和礦產需求旺盛而導致價格高漲,礦業公司希望充分利用這一機會。

His artistry simply entrances on this cd , showing an astounding range of emotion . from smooth jazz to celtic to appalachian to ambient , atmospheres showcases every facet of his keyboard brilliance 譯:這張cd僅僅是他高超技藝的一個窗口,表達了豐富的情感,有大量的爵士樂.凱爾特韻調,他出色的演奏得到了全面發揮

In 1944 , the martha graham ballet “ appalachian spring , “ with music by aaron copland , premiered at the library of congress , with graham in a leading role 1944年,瑪撒格雷厄姆的芭蕾舞“阿巴拉契山脈的春天”在美國國會圖書館初次公演,音樂亞倫科普蘭,格雷厄姆為主要男演員。

These factories are located in some of the most rural and impoverished communities in america ; in isolated areas of the appalachian mountains of kentucky and tennessee 這些工廠通常設在一些美國最貧困落后的鄉村地區,如肯塔基和田納西州境內偏僻的阿巴拉契亞山區。

Before the revolutionary war , hundreds of colonists and their families settled beyond the appalachian mountains and beyond the protection of the colonies 在獨立戰爭發生之前,有數千位殖民地人民與其家人移居到阿帕拉契山脈旁定居,同時也沒有受到移民地的保護。

Liza lee ( 2005 ) . music in the global classroom . paper presented at hayes school of music , appalachian state university . north carolina , usa 李玲玉、李永華( 2005 ) 。嬰幼兒音樂教案設計、分析與實施。嬰幼兒發展與保育學術研討會, 20 - 41頁。朝陽科技大學。

Extending 1 , 600 kilometers from the appalachian mountains in the east to the rocky mountains in the west , the mid western region is the largest in the united states 中西部地區東起阿巴拉契亞山脈,西止落基山脈,綿延1600公里,是美國最大的地區。

Curious motorists and hikers on the appalachian trail are relieved of their sketching pads and cameras and sent on their way 清除阿帕拉契亞山脈上好奇乘汽車者和徒步旅行者他們的草圖和照相并且將他們送回歸途。

Ultralight backpacking the appalachian trail with a “ 10 pound pack “ . includes gear lists , and links -包括自助旅游野外探險體育比賽友情聚會情感交流人生探索等內容。

I was born in burdine , kentucky , in the heart of the appalachian coal - mining country 我出生在阿帕拉契山脈煤礦區中心的肯塔基州柏定市。

Our small school district was buried in the appalachian mountains of pennsylvania 我們小小的學校位于賓夕法尼亞州的阿巴拉契亞山區。

Yeah . in college , we ' d start every season against appalachian state 對。在大學里,我們每個賽季開始時都會跟阿巴拉契亞的隊