
appal vt.嚇壞,使驚駭,使膽寒。 be appaled at...

“ it ' s absolutely appalling , i ' m trembling with anger 這實在太令人震驚了,我氣得發抖。

“ it ' s absolutely appalling , i ' m trembling with anger 這簡直過于荒謬,我太憤怒了。

“ it ' s absolutely appalling , i ' m trembling with anger “這太震驚了,我氣的發抖。 ”


I dread sleeping : my dreams appal me 我怕睡覺:我的那些夢讓我害怕。 ”

The atrocity of the manager ' s actions appalled everybody 管理員行為的殘暴使所有人膽寒。

“ it ' s absolutely appalling , i ' m trembling with anger 這實在太令人震驚了,我氣得發抖。

Ms ruff - o ' herne said she was appalled by the advertisement 說她對廣告的內容感到震驚。

We were appalled when we heard she had been murdered 聽到她被謀殺的消息我們驚駭萬分。

We were appalled when we heard that she had been murdered 聽說她遭謀殺我們被嚇壞了。

The number of people killed on the roads appalled me 在路上斃命的人數之多使我膽寒。

She was quite appalled at the man s audacity 這家伙的大膽無禮把她嚇壞了。

Right down to her appalling bodily eruptions 再也聽不到她的可怕的打嗝聲了

We were appalled at the thought of another war 一想到又有戰爭我們就膽寒。

Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior 這種駭人聽聞的行徑罪不可恕。

They were appalled by the reports of the famine 有關饑荒的報導嚇死他們了。

Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house 瑪麗被那骯臟的房子嚇壞了。

Nothing can extenuate such appalling behaviour 這種駭人聽聞的行徑罪無可恕

This was the most appalling insult imaginable 這可是最不堪入耳的污辱性話語

“ it ' s absolutely appalling , i ' m trembling with anger 這簡直過于荒謬,我太憤怒了。